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Please wake up management
(09-23-2014, 08:33 AM)inno link Wrote: noone is contributing in what ways u mean?

People want the server to be active again. For that we need genuine ideas. IDEAS.
No one is suggesting IDEAS, all they do is state that they want the server active again.
(09-23-2014, 01:00 PM)Peru link Wrote: People want the server to be active again. For that we need genuine ideas. IDEAS.
No one is suggesting IDEAS, all they do is state that they want the server active again.
Thanks for that ^

Everyone wants the server active, everyone is yelling it should be active again. And then they get mad at everyone for not doing anything.
(09-22-2014, 11:35 PM)Peru link Wrote: Let's make this short and simple:

1) The crew members who suggested that the server can die out can speak for themselves.

2) I initially made a similar topic on the crew section of the forum because I believed I would get better support from the people who are "in charge" of the server. I was wrong.

3) Everybody wants to see the server alive again but no one is contributing SPECIFIC ideas.

1. Why you just dont point them out? If they said something like that i think they don't give a shit and will not even visit forums.

2. Can we get some light what happend with the topic? Who suggested what, what did the guys who rule now say?

3. That's why you got the top possitions, that's your ideas needed to make the server alive. If you dont have ideas, just only know how to /kick /ban ingame commands, then please move somewhere els.

Somehow im not surprised that even Peter commented here, he is the founder of this server, he gathered the crew and made what it was. Don't you think he doesn't care? Ofcourse he cares about this whole situation, he let someone els take his spot and rule the server, and what they done? For some time they did good, but what later happend? Everything died.

What influented the main parts of the server die in recent times? The only reason i can think of is the skin hit thingie... Before the skin hit, the server had some people playing , not much, but better then nothing.

If the management dont have ideas, or they just like "oh lets wait till it dies out" yeh, then fuck you faggots because of sad people like you it will die. People want to see change, I dont know, make a topic or something where people could suggest ideas in theyr mind what could help this server attract more people? someone from the crew, take some part in this please.
You can be a jerk all you want, but let me tell you why it's dying: the game is old and people have lives.

There has been zero activity in the management forums since a long time so there are no people who are suggesting stuff and what they say now. Some people are working way behind the scenes to keep LVP running, but then I mean running and not anything else. Why aren't you glad with that? The servers could've been down already, but no, LVP is still up and running, and still listed on the hosted list (which costs monies).

So you can whine and yell all you want about stuff dying, but open your eyes and appreciate that LVP is actually still here and some admins spend some free time being online.

(09-23-2014, 05:34 PM)Zezima link Wrote: People want to see change, I dont know, make a topic or something where people could suggest ideas in theyr mind what could help this server attract more people? someone from the crew, take some part in this please.
What kind of lazy shit are you? You're able to write pages full with nonsense about an old game but incapable of suggesting ideas yourself? Open a topic with ideas, don't wait for others and then yell it is not happening. Cuz let me tell you something: nobody cares about your bullshit, but we're willing to listen to constructive ideas.
1) Trust me. They still visit the forum.

2) I suggested a change in management. For the duties to be delagated to someone with a bit more freedom of time. Some admins agreed, others disagreed. None of the management members ever replied.

3) I was recruited as administrator to administer the server. That's all that is required of me. This is not a paying job that requires me to be online and come up with ideas. And I honestly don't have the time to be brainstorming ideas about how to attract players. I imagine several crew members are under my situation: we have school and work. 95% of the time that I'm on the forum is through my phone because I'm not home.

If you want to solve a problem, then BE the solution. Don't simply state the obvious issue and expect others to solve it.
Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.

For real, though. If you need help with like coding or administrating or in particular forum administrating (ha) let me know. I got some free time for this community I've spent a lot of years here and met a lot of cool people, some I'm still friends with. But honestly, SA-MP is old, but there is still surprising large numbers of players... it can be done.
The main reason I'm not glad with that, because this server have the abilities to become something way better then it is now. And what good does admins do on an empty server? Ingame 6 people and bans 1 for cheats? lol.... Sure nice logic cake.

Ha ha ha my character in this forum doesn't let me to make ideas and suggestions, and everyone know's me from the past, no point would be done if i even make a suggestion topic, that's why i cant do it. That's why im asking management or some top guy from the admin roaster to make a topic, pull some strings make something,. No one would/will take my ideas, and i was never admin and i have no idea what and when. You got development rights, you were an admin  before so make something you faggot. And stop telling shit about that you are waiting for constructitivivejklsadjh ideas, i can't remember when last time i even saw you ingame and active in the forums. You just scrolled down from no where, droped your little comment and thinking "yeh my job is done wrote down little comment going to chill with pack of chips". Ahhhh well, main reason for this topic was for an admin to step up, lead your players with you.

The only person i see that actually have some little hope and fire in him is Peru, he actually made a topic in the admin section, actually tried to do something. Atleast 1 person trying something from the admins. And even Peter  the founder of LVP see that management have lack of intrest in doing something..
The only reason I tried to help was because LVP has provided me with a lot of entertainment over the years. I started my original topic with this:

Quote:LVP was created in 2006. Several years later and the community is still present. My question has always been: how in the world have we continued to play an outdated game for 8 years? I begin to realize it's no longer the game that keeps us around, it's the community itself. We've turned from a server-based community to a social-based group. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one that checks the forum to see what new things are being discussed; or even check ithe IRC channels to see if any of our friends are online. Sadly, our server is dying and there might be little to do about it due to the lack of interest.

Some are partially correct in saying that it's an outdated game, but I bet if they were to see 5 of their friends online they wouldn't hesitate to login.

I don't have specific ideas, just a broad insight: the servers that are still "active" are objective-based. Sadly our active admins aren't developers and therefore can't do anything about it. I'm not blaming the developers, just trying to explain why things are the way they are.
(09-24-2014, 12:31 AM)Peru link Wrote: The only reason I tried to help was because LVP has provided me with a lot of entertainment over the years. I started my original topic with this:

Some are partially correct in saying that it's an outdated game, but I bet if they were to see 5 of their friends online they wouldn't hesitate to login.

I don't have specific ideas, just a broad insight: the servers that are still "active" are objective-based. Sadly our active admins aren't developers and therefore can't do anything about it. I'm not blaming the developers, just trying to explain why things are the way they are.

My son Violax still playing SA-MP somewhere, made his own server I think, if you are looking for coders, I'd suggest looking him up. Everyone knows Violax for face value but he's mad intelligent and has strong work ethic when it comes to getting shit done. Me personally, I don't have time to get back into coding as much as I want to, sometimes I sit and think about opening pawno again but never get round to it.

Things you say are true, about the community. Maybe it would be time to open this forum as not just for SA-MP anymore, you know? Maybe have a concentration on a newer game and make a server for that? As well as keeping this one open, but you see what I mean right? I'm trying to think of an example but I can't lol. Like clans for instance, they have one forum, one community, but they have servers on a whole host of games?

The fact is SA-MP is pretty dated and while the server is the focus, you are right. The community is what made all those times we've had together fun and memorable. Look at me for example, I stopped playing the server years ago, yet have been fairly regular to the forums to catch up with people and lurk around, unfortunately nothing is here much any more to keep people here, which is what we need. To keep people here, on the forum. As long as we have the community we have the power to do anything else. With no community, there is no power. I'm sure many of the people that have played here in recent years have attempted to open their own server and failed, me included, why? Because the community isn't there. You can't magic a whole community of players, LVP has established this over so many years, a decade almost.

We need to act before it's too late.

EDIT: People with high influence over LVP such as Peter need to act with us. I'm glad to see you post in these topics, Peter. Maybe we still have a chance.
(09-23-2014, 08:38 PM)Zezima link Wrote: The only person i see that actually have some little hope and fire in him is Peru, he actually made a topic in the admin section, actually tried to do something. Atleast 1 person trying something from the admins. And even Peter  the founder of LVP see that management have lack of intrest in doing something..
It's hard to debate with someone who suffers of severe tunnel vision. That has always been the problem with this community: you only think admins ban and because you don't see the rest ingame or on the forums they have "lack in interest in doing something". Not a little clue about what people do on the background. But you like to think they do nothing and the server keeps itself up, that the bills for being on the hosted list are paid by themselves. Error: logic not found.

And lol "my character doesn't let me make suggestions", that really made my day.

Jerome: thanks for your input. Here is a little suggestive idea: if you see an awesome filterscript you'd like LVP to implement, link it. Filterscripts are a nice way to add features without putting a lot of time in coding.