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[EiM] Emerald Isle Mafia || Now Recruiting || Join Now! ||
Gl EiM :9~
Good Luck.
GL people
Good luck, boss. :+
Yea likes cool  :o

GL EiM's
GL u guys enjoy LVP
Finally, another family.
We've waited for someone to start another.
Goodluck, we'll be seeing you.  :7
Thanks to many who have replied...
To the clan of [W] I did not know the mansion was your gang base....
I have not been on LVP, just looked at the map.
I will be on sometime this weekend, and i am sure after looking at things, it will change
So no hard feelings, not trying to interrupt on your clan or anything :D

Great to see another mafia, i was hoping there where others, would be great to join powers when we get set up.
Ill have to chat to you more about it... and get to know you guys

Btw i had a question...

To many of LVP regulars or admins, Who do you feel is the best clan? on LVP that is?

But to all Thanks for the good luck, and i look forward to seeing you all on the Server

Nicholas Casini
Best clan?

There are none.
If your looking for the best skilled...ehh...your not going to find an honest answer.
The best in team spirit and great players (skilled and non flaming people) are probably
[BB] in my opinion. A few [KoD], some [W]arriors, and a lot of the old, old clans.

LVM doesn't flame either, but the nubs that interfere with our work just blow shit outta proportion and flame us anyways. So, we in return to a certain clan (no I am not pointing fingers to EXACT people)

LVP community can be a very nice place...thats why its been my personal favorite server for 7 months.