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World trade center
God damn you're smart Jerome  ;)
Bin Laden has been dead a long time.

(02-23-2014, 10:57 PM)Carbon link Wrote: why not just paste the wikipedia link?  :roll:
Wikipedia might be lying to you! Despite being a website which just puts information together from other sites it can still lie too, right? I mean I would rather watch a one-person-made YouTube video, because Wikipedia lies to me like it always does and the video is the truth.
Slayer - God Hates Us All [Full Album]

9/11 Was a pretty awesome day, Slayer released a kick ass album in my opinion
(02-22-2014, 03:36 PM)HaZe link Wrote: No, it's the most ridiculous conspiracy theory I've ever heard, and I'm gonna leave it at that because this thread is gonna get idiotic realllll fast. The American government would have nothing to gain from that.

Not true.
They've got a public enemy and a reason to invade Afghanistan after 9/11.
Also the WTC was insured for 3.5 billion dollars, only two months before the attack.

What about WTC7?
WTC7 -- This is an Orange

What I also don't understand is how all 7 WTC buildings were on fire and collapsed. How to hell does a "single" explosion on the 99th floor ignite 5 surrounding buildings, some of them 100's of meters away from were the collision happened. If you watch the videos of the planes hitting the world trade center you can see the fireball going upwards, and little debris falling down.
All buildings had been on fire since the first collision, there's no explanation for that, unless they were set on fire.

I've never really been conspiracy theorist, but everything that happened during 9/11 doesn't add up.

And for those saying that the US Government wouldn't do a thing like that to their citizens, what about all the biological tests they've have conducted on their own citizens during the cold war? (60's and 70's) (They even admitted this, look it up.)
WTC 7 biggest bullshit, there was only paper,tables,chairs,office plasting burning. And it melted down the steel to make it collapse in a freefall? the fuck?

I wonder how did the fire even accure in WTC 7 when no airplane hit it? Dont tell me the fires came from other towers, becouse there was around other buildings standing and no fires inside.
(02-23-2014, 05:14 PM)Maka link Wrote: Guess who won that debate? We did, the "creationists".
haha. Similar experience, in my debating society I had to argue FOR the notion that video games are a bad influence on children and make them violent (hey, I'm a gamer like all of you. ofc that notion is bullshit) yet not a single person voted for the other speaker :(

(02-23-2014, 02:41 PM)Zezima link Wrote: share em
Ok. I'm not buying the official story that's for sure, but I'm not entirely the whole 'OMG EXPLOSIVES LACED IN TWIN TOWERS' full blown conspiracy theorist either. I think at the very least, it was gross incompetence and possibly at the most they willingly let it happen. Bush was having the one of the longest Presidential holidays of all time whilst this was all happening, effectively meaning Cheney was in control. Bush isn't particularly intelligent, Cheney was the brains behind that administration, no VP has had as much power and influence as Cheney did. Now you'll have to bear with me as this is all off the top of my head, I'm not going on wikipedia and copy+pasting tons of stuff like some of you here.

Here are some worrying things that led to me think this way:
- Neoconservatism theory relies on there being an 'other', an enemy. After the Cold War, Communism was over as an enemy that could be used by neoconservatives, quitely conveniently 'The War on Terrorism' came along. Allowing them to justify the current massive increase in Presidential power, state surveillance. The War on Terror has been a blessing for many powerful Corporations and people. (Military-Industrial, Security, those in power wanting to get more power)
- Alot of people find it absurd that conspiracy theorists would even consider the Government were willing to do something like that. But back in the 60's, false flag attacks on the American people were heavily considered in order to rally public support to justify an invasion of Cuba, fortunately Kennedy had more sense. Sound familiar? Look up Operation Northwoods. It isn't out of the realm of possibility.
- Whilst Bush was on the longest Presidential holiday, alot of Agencies and people were warning of a huge imminent attack. I can't remember all of em, but just look it up. Alot of different people were warning them, yet nothing was done. An agent even went out of his way to Bush's ranch to warn him, Bush simply said you can go now, as you've covered your ass. :/
-  Theres a senate report called 'Tora Bora Revisited', basically Rumsfeld refused to give the order to pursue Bin Laden during the battle of Tora Bora. Again, at the very least he was extremely incompetent. Or, at the worst he was allowed to escape so they could justify invading Iraq.

Maybe the answer lies somewhere in the middle of them two, but I can see quite easily why conspiracy theorists believe what they do. (Well, regarding 9/11 anyway. Not chemtrails, bigfoot etc lol)
Good summary Darius, I think some people are being ignorant in this topic with the assumptions they're making. 9/11 is such a big topic because it has to do with politics, illuminati is basically the people that run things you can call them whatever, probably a harsher word would be suitable. Bigfoot, not landing on the moon and all that other stuff is just bullshit nothing to do with illuminati. Let's not get things mixed up and make moronic comparisons :P

As for 9/11 itself, apparently some fighter jets were called in then told to retreat. This subject is just one of those that will go on and on with different sides of the story to confuse things further. Of course there's people out there who probably know what really happened but as for the rest we'll just be left in the shadows. Who knows maybe one day we'll find out but at this rate probably not.
Exactly Dacads!
People say the weirdest things about the Illuminati, I do believe that a group like that exists
A group of people that run the world, the people that stand behind public figures such as the president of the United States and make all the decisions.
Everything else that people talk about, things like devil worshiping, blood sacrifices, reptilians and more stuff like that is bullshit in my opinion.
That's just putting the blame on a group that you know nothing about because you can't wrap your head around things that happen in this world.
I blame Billy Tuttle and the king in yellow.