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(11-14-2008, 10:40 PM)HaZe link Wrote: first of all, how do you know it's a bug? and second... how the hell do YOU know if it wasnt intended to be like it is? you can't bring "oh its not realistic" into this.. thats like saying getting hit with a car without going to the hospital or jetpacks are realistic. On every GTA game so far.. if you shoot one bullet, switch to another, and switch back.. the ammo refills.

True. Plus one of the popular things in every GTA are the bugs. As soon as people get GTA, they like spotting bugs and see how to put that bug to good use. So I think Rockstar intend to keep these little glitches for that purpose to increase people's fun.
I doubt they'd keep in bug for fun

Sanbox games are just damn hard to debug (is that the right word to use there? :D )
(11-14-2008, 10:40 PM)HaZe link Wrote: how the hell do YOU know if it wasnt intended to be like it is?

Generally game developers tend to have a goal; Make the game as realistic as possible. It is not very realistic to have a weapon automatically reload because it becomes out of use for a period of time. Rockstar have stated in different interviews throughout the years from different gaming companies that they tend to improve the graphics to make the game more realistic. Obviously however, there is no definite way to find out whether rockstar did intend it to be this way, perhaps they did leave in and didn't realise the effects it would have since GTA:SA was not intended to be a multiplayer modifcation.

But anyway, the point here isn't whether rockstar intended to include this bug or not, the point is to decide as to whether it would be fair to allow it or not.

(11-14-2008, 09:53 AM)Maddolis link Wrote: As for "It is probably just as powerful as most popular weapons anyway," thats bullshit.
Besides, I'm not talking about just the deagle, but also the combat shotgun, sniper rifle and regular shotgun.

Right, lets look at some weapons:

Normal shotgun - Probably just as powerful at close range, less powerful at a far range.
Combat Shotgun - More powerful
Sawnoff Shotgun - More powerful
Micro Uzi - Defintely less powerful than the deagle.
Micro SMG - Defintely less powerful.
MP5 - Defintely less powerful.
Rifle - Close one, the rifle has a far range, but I'd say the deagle is more powerful.
Sniper Rifle - Probably just as powerful.
Pistol - Defintely less powerful
Silenced Pistol - Defintely less powerful
Projectiles - Obviously more powerful
Silenced Pistol - Defintely less powerful
Melee Weapons - Defintely less powerful

Now, if you count, you can see that the deagle is more powerful than most of those weapons,

(11-14-2008, 09:53 AM)Maddolis link Wrote: I don't understand your "not very realistic" argument either- its more physically possible for someone to fire a desert eagle as fast as the c-bug
The desert eagle is an extremely powerful handgun, I seriously doubt that.

(11-14-2008, 09:53 AM)Maddolis link Wrote: You should be allowed to go on LVP and mix it up, by fighting runnies with walkies.
I wouldn't mind giving myself a challenge by using a combat shotgun, without being banned for having an "advantage" against a sawnoff.

A combat shotgun fires many bullets within a few seconds, just as fast as the C bug, so why can't you? You could even post a suggestion to add it as a spawn weapon in 2.90, I'll do it personally if you like.
Edit: After checking the source, remembered that a combat shotgun already is available as a spawn weapon, just not a regular shotgun.
I really do disagree.
I'll fight you, my weapons being (in different rounds) uzi, tec9 and grenades and yours deagle.
I'm pretty darn confident I'd win the uzi and tec9 rounds, where you should win the grenade round.

And I stand by what I said about "It is probably just as powerful as most popular weapons anyway," being untrue.

The popular weapons (aside from the deagle) = Sawnoff, uzi, tec9, and perhaps m4.
The deagle has a disadvantage against the sawnoff uzi and tec9, and at a distance, the m4.

(11-14-2008, 11:20 PM)Jay link Wrote: A combat shotgun fires many bullets within a few seconds, just as fast as the C bug, so why can't you? You could even post a suggestion to add it as a spawn weapon in 2.90, I'll do it personally if you like.
Edit: After checking the source, remembered that a combat shotgun already is available as a spawn weapon, just not a regular shotgun.
I realise its in the game, and have used it before, but the user is still more vulnerable when unable to use the c-bug.
As most walk-weapon fanatics would probably agree, the c-bug is not so much about firing faster, but about moving faster. From skipping the post-shot animation, it allows you to move around and dodge an incoming shot better than waiting in the same spot for half a second without firing.
More defence than offence imo.
I agree that c-bug should be allowed. When you're using tecs / uzi's / sawnoffs, there's no difference shooting the guy who uses c-bug.

Your Friend,
There is no reason to forbid C-bug.

(11-14-2008, 11:20 PM)Jay link Wrote: Generally game developers tend to have a goal; Make the game as realistic as possible. It is not very realistic to have a weapon automatically reload because it becomes out of use for a period of time. Rockstar have stated in different interviews throughout the years from different gaming companies that they tend to improve the graphics to make the game more realistic. Obviously however, there is no definite way to find out whether rockstar did intend it to be this way, perhaps they did leave in and didn't realise the effects it would have since GTA:SA was not intended to be a multiplayer modifcation.
uhm obviously GTA:SA isnt realistic at all, so that's irrelevant.
as if any game is realistic
agriculture simulator 2008 is.
(11-14-2008, 10:40 PM)HaZe link Wrote: first of all, how do you know it's a bug? and second... how the hell do YOU know if it wasnt intended to be like it is? you can't bring "oh its not realistic" into this.. thats like saying getting hit with a car without going to the hospital or jetpacks are realistic. On every GTA game so far.. if you shoot one bullet, switch to another, and switch back.. the ammo refills.

Read what you quoted again: I wasn't saying that this isn't realistic, however I'm saying that it isn't what Rockstar intended. We can just disallow bugs and conform to how GTA was created, which would eliminate any confusion and simply have people play the game as intended. Not once in SP has there been need to use such bugs, and in MP I've found it fine playing without having to use such bugs. I've played > 500 hours, and how that may seem quite small to some addicts or you may think I'm inexperienced, I have spent a fair share of time fighting with gangs and I've never found the need to bug abuse. If none bug abuses, then there isn't a problem. If you find the deagle too weak, then that's how it is - you shouldn't take matters into your own hands to make it stronger! That's not the point at all. Rockstar created it 'weak' and thus that's how it will stay on LVP. Why would you want to change the balance of guns? If you really think the deagle isn't that good and requires a bug in order to bring it up to the same level as other guns, then simply use different guns! It's like cheating with a sniper rifle to make it automatically fire with the excuse that it "doesn't fire as fast as an M4" - use the M4 instead! Every gun has its own purpose.

Seriously, there is no need to allow this. If you want to mess around with it on your own gang servers then so be it. Why must gangs and fighters always use bugs? It's like taking drugs in sports - a big nono!