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My point exactly HaZe. In his career .. he hasn't made a whole load of shit, just some tracks here and there really let him down, but even most of Relapse is good in it's own way, but that "We made you" .. "For old times sake" ... "Crack a bottle" and shit like that ... are just fucking gay. It's like taking Tupac .. replacing his gun with a water pistol, dressing him in a pink frilly dress and putting him on teletubbies ... :O

Yeah, twisted mind, the sick lyrics only Eminem can pull of without losing some kind of respect are just amazing .. and Relapse is a prime example of that lol, tracks such as "My mom" and "3 AM" or "Same Song & Dance" are a real insight into his life, really quite good. At first I was hatin' on Relapse because of the way the media portrayed it ... playing "We made you" constantly on the fucking radio stations giving it some seriously bad air with anyone remotely connected with real hip-hop, but after a while, and after I got my hands on a copy (stolen from a party ololol) I went home the next day and put it on and it impressed me enough to like it.


Show you some examples of what this is all about -

Eminem and Royce (bad meets evil) - Nuttin to do

Eminem - Scary Movie

Eminem - Brain Damage (Lyrics)

When I was growing up I could relate to Eminem through his music, that's probably why I listened to him everyday.

Rock Bottom - Eminem

And this song is just so amazing, if you wanna learn a few life lessons, trust me .. this track will teach you a lot of things.

Eminems whole discography is sick, infact fuck all of you who don't think Eminem is better than most rappers out there nowadays, at least the dude still alive .. and in more then one way, know what I'm saying.

If I Had - Eminem

Eminem - The Sauce

Messages In This Thread
Re: Classic Hip-Hop [NO FUCKING POP/REGGAE/OTHER SHIT] - by Jerome® - 10-22-2009, 10:10 PM
Just begun - by Tpimp - 09-20-2010, 11:56 AM
Re: Just begun - by ZheMafo - 09-20-2010, 08:57 PM