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[Suggestion] The cost of using commands
Hello respected auditorium,

I think this is the proper place where I should make a suggestion.

I have always had an opinion that some commands like /ctp, /tp, /taxi, /dive, /tune etc. are way too cheap which is the reason why people keep abusing them more than they should. I mean that you should consider those commands as a luxury which people simply can't afford so easily.

My suggestions to new rates are (note that those are the lowest rates):

/ctp: 800 000 USD
/tp: 500 000 USD
/taxi: 25 000 USD per km
/dive: 300 000 USD
/tune: 400 000 USD (/back: 100 000 USD)

In that way people would use those commands if they really need and the features of the original gameplay get more attention (like driving instead of the lazy-arse mass-command using.)

Think about it and I am pretty sure this subject should be open to discussion.

Your best friend,
I agree with raising the price of /dive and /tune, however I think your prices are still a little to much. With /tp, /ctp and /taxi..that's way to much. You have to remember those commands are for transportation, and must be available to new players. /dive and /tune are not necessary for a new player to use, so those could be raised. I'm sure we can come up with better ways to stop the abuse of such commands.

Thanks for your input
I'm sorry but the prices you recommend there are simply.. ridiculous. How do you expect a new player who starts with $2500 to be able to get to the ship alive?!
(07-16-2008, 04:04 PM)tomozj link Wrote: I'm sorry but the prices you recommend there are simply.. ridiculous. How do you expect a new player who starts with $2500 to be able to get to the ship alive?!

That is exactly my point which I am trying to prove here. Whatever happened to the version that players actually have to use a C A R or a B I K E in order to get from A to B? The fact is that there is simply way too much attention on using various commands which is just suffocating the actual gameplay. Those commands are just spoiling people and making them extremely lazy, I see that all the time and that is just so wrong on so many levels.

The way I see it, the commands should be something like space travel these days, it's a total luxury for the people who can afford it. Once you make it to the top, then you can afford this luxury every once in a while.

I don't see any reason why new players should be able to use commands all the time, there is simply no need for that.

Is this a Grand Theft AUTO or a Grand Theft Command?

Your best friend,

Alright then, I like what you're saying now. I'll make sure it's discussed, as it would be good if people relied on commands less. Maybe some kind of 'peak' area where the taxi is considerably more expensive (LV), meaning that if you get lost in the middle of nowhere, you can still get back at a cheap-ish price.
(07-17-2008, 10:33 AM)tomozj link Wrote: Alright then, I like what you're saying now. I'll make sure it's discussed, as it would be good if people relied on commands less. Maybe some kind of 'peak' area where the taxi is considerably more expensive (LV), meaning that if you get lost in the middle of nowhere, you can still get back at a cheap-ish price.

Thanks, glad you are catch my drift now! I think a peak area system is better than nothing I guess, but I think LVP is pretty much covered with vehicles which also makes it possible to find a solution even in the middle of nowhere at most cases.

There are some certain players who I hardly see using any vehicles whatsoever, their game is purely built up on /x this and /x that and that just isn't quite right.

Your best friend,
You have to consider this from both player types points of view.

I am a deathmatcher. I don't care about driving around, I just like to /taxi or /teleport somewhere into a fight and start shooting. The carsĀ  & prices don't matter that much too me.
The server is still RP/DM, so both should cross each-other. A taxi command is intended to be RP, but really it eliminates a lot of the sense of RP when traveling. I think players should be urged to drive themselves to places -- since when do gangsters get a cab to their next gang war?!
(07-18-2008, 12:02 AM)tomozj link Wrote: since when do gangsters get a cab to their next gang war?!

The Cubans in GTA:Vice City? :D

Good idea to move this to 'open for discussion'? As it is kind of being discussed here but not with everyone :)
(07-18-2008, 12:48 AM)estroe link Wrote: The Cubans in GTA:Vice City? :D

My thoughts exactly lol.


When your in the middle of a fight though and you get killed, you can't get there quick enough imo. If people are forced to drive after being used to taxis and teleports, they may get bored since some of the ingame vehicle's aren't very good.