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What are you eating? Bodybuilding meal topic.
not rly, last cut was 40 kg+ for example in 6 months, faster this year since i dont got so much extra weight now
maryjane beers and
[Image: t9crhi.jpg]
I don't even know why people use bf% as a way to make fun of powerlifters- but it's usually only the people that value body aesthetics over strength.
If someone has the discipline to work out multiple times a week and constantly eat more food that they're comfortable eating, then it wouldn't be hard for them to lose weight. The work-out and diet discipline is the hardest thing, and I'll tell you I've lost fat from deadlifting and squatting. My heartrate gets so jacked that it's in my training zone for up to five minutes after I finish the lifts.
Well i like aesthetics more then power. Id better squat with 100kg and have aesthetics legs then squat with 300kg and have big lumps. Everyone is diffrent, someones likes cricket (lamest sport iv seen) and some like mma.  I like shape and aesthetic body ower beer mode. Tell me what the fuck you want , i will still like zyzz more then zydrunas savickas.
My god Cobra how did you turn into such behemot in less than 2 years?
(02-14-2014, 09:37 AM)HoogerBooger link Wrote: My god Cobra how did you turn into such behemot in less than 2 years?

He's been playing on an average of 9 hours of LVP daily. He's always on top on the most online player today list on the website. Needless to say, you get fat from too much surströmning and too much LVP.
eating this after the gym is very good :-


looks nice

but learn to upload an imagine to the forum you moron
it's called bulking you damn retards
why are u even listening to what zezima is saying? that prick has no idea what he's talking about, gotta love those gym rats and your tongue is a living example that tongue is the strongest muscle in our body...

please just stop talking, ure a huge embarassement zyzz fan boy