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What are you eating? Bodybuilding meal topic.
(02-10-2014, 10:17 PM)Fat Cobra link Wrote: im sure one of my many fans, especially the third world ones can provide u with more than enough proofs
that's the only pic of u i've seen: http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/5177/img8376r.jpg

and that was in 2009. show us the thicker version cobra

uh i dont care for taking pics or vids but theres some old ones here, uploaded just to get critization on form which was shit obv
lol a powerlifter
powerbuilder, cutting atm going for aesthetics, cant get big if ur afraid to bulk or only lift 120 or whatever in bench lolz
(02-11-2014, 05:18 PM)Fat Cobra link Wrote: powerbuilder, cutting atm going for aesthetics, cant get big if ur afraid to bulk or only lift 120 or whatever in bench lolz

well uur 100 percent was dirty bulk, eating candy,cakes , etc. Becouse you dont seem to even have muscle, just big belly,fatty legs and fatty arms, no muscles are found there. No definition. Dont mix bodybuilding with power thingie. Bodybuilders scuilpt theyr bodies for perfection and best imagine they can get. They will better bench 100kg then 200kg to achieve perfect chest form.

Powerlifters all they considered is on moving the weight , no isolated movement, just move the weight. Thats why when you benched ur 200kg "200kg bench club" you just bounced the bar from ur chest and gained momentum. Ofc not hating, thats impressive.

So yeh, two totaly diffrent sports, so keep talking.
haha, i could have done 190kg+ strict like in competitions without bounce, big weights=big muscles, if u dont get that u should just quit training. and i know it can be difficult to recognize muscles since u dont have any urself lol
and here i was, thinking that lifting weight requires muscle/strength, but zezima proved me wrong.
This is getting better. Zezima comeback pls
(02-11-2014, 07:11 PM)Zezima link Wrote: well uur 100 percent was dirty bulk, eating candy,cakes , etc. Becouse you dont seem to even have muscle, just big belly,fatty legs and fatty arms, no muscles are found there.

Cobra what's your current body fat percentage, and at what BFP you're done with cutting?

I agree with Zezima. I find it harder to get "clean" muscle, and gain definition at the same time. But on the other hand if you wanna get really big, then you gotta bulk first and cut as you're probably doing. But it depends on your final goal.