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(07-02-2016, 07:18 PM)Maddolis Wrote: UFC.

Do you reckon Lucy would be hotter with balls, or without?
If with, where abouts on her body should they reside?

lmfao, I expected something like this to happen and I'm not even surprised it's you asking this question :v
*grabs a bucket of popcorn and awaits results*

Have you ever been arrested ?
Yep, In single players with wanted level 5, while typing AEZAKMI, I got busted(arrested) many times lol... ;)
Weezy can you post a question behalf me?
You need to type a question for the next person to answer.

WW or RW ? and Why?
RW! it requires more skill and barins to fight than WW imo

Fuck with swift?
Nope, Swift and I go way back!

RW Clan War or AAD Clan War?
i prefer rw war, aad was fucking retarded

wud u rather have cancer or fuck your own mother?
Have cancer..

How beautiful is your mother?
Not very...

Favourite game growing up?
Quake 1, StarCraft/Broodwars, Carmageddon 2, Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (yep, the actual first FF on the SNES! One helluva game...), Super Mario World (SNES), Yoshi's Island and probably a whole lot more which I can't think of right now.

Favorite videogame genre/type?