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Make ur thots about LVP crew people.
estroe - awesome guy really helpful :P

dont know about others.  :r
:> to all my fans! :+
(09-14-2009, 10:57 AM)Richard link Wrote: :> to all my fans! :+

to mine too
If only y'all knew what estroe does with Wesley in .crew sometimes ;(
Nothing but a ban, after he tried banning me :D
Lmao at Equiza's reply
(09-14-2009, 10:57 AM)Richard link Wrote: :> to all my fans! :+

TEF - The guy who ruins lvp unoficually.The most hardcore of LVP crew if he doesnt like one a little bit , he will just wait for the right moment , when one do somethin bad like pm him with message as "me dork" or something. Then mer dead , if he gets a shot like  that , then ur fucktup , one prolly gonna get banned for weeks even months. And other admins wont do enything becouse they are afraid of this guy. Hes just like "Hey me worms listen to me , theres two rules about me , first rule im allways right , second rule check rule 2.

don't agree with that man, i've known TEF since i started playing here, and if anyone could pull up my join date you'll see it as about 1 1/2 - 2 years ago.

TEF has always helped me, and always helps anyone that asks, aswell as being friendly. But at the same TIME he knows where to draw the limit. Even if TEF is massive friends with someone he will still abide by the rules, and thats what'll keep things going and fair.

Keep it up TEF =D
Quote:he / she (it's funny i never knew which one...so i don't KNOW tef like that, but i always persumed female :x)

Lmao .. ded.

Badeend - I think his doing his work. but still wondering what work

Fireburn - Well The Best Management member ever,Since is active. Listens to u etc.

FiXeR - The Old Ban Stick ehh. just know from him the sheeps histories.

ScarTissue[NL] - good management member also his ideas too

Bakura - The only crew that i never spoke to him. and if spoke with him dont remember T_T

tBKwtWS - : D tbk ftw

MrBondt - Helps u when u need it :) good

slein - One of the best managements too

Vinpower - i did heard many histories but naa just saw him short times and undecover admin

Dennis - Was/still nice guy but he is very inactive now

Deaken - Wtf i did mind he was Dennis xD. anyways dont know him

Chillosophy - Not know him soo good but wtf his skin is funny.

Sander - Good management too :)

estroe - My Old dad. but now is very distant. Maybe because his new kids T_T he forgot me!


Jay - Good Admin & Developer ;D

Wesley - Its Ok too

benbmyers - Yawn one of the first admins i saw in lvp : D

Maka - Nice admin, saw him since CT

Twilight - U FTW

Xen0n - Muahahah Good evil admin S:D All admins should copy his evil style xD

Pugwipe - just saw him in /Credits rofl

Mike - Myke? i still without know. but he is staff of irc! if i say something bad. maybe i got pwned

cloakster - Was an good admin but barely see him now.

[Griffin] - : D Good ADmin and Friend : D thx to him , my bot was alive. xD

Joe - know him since LVM good guy

Erin - Serious girl i believe xD

FateTrip - i still without know the warrior in crew but dont gotta problems with him. and seems funny

Stef - Rofl Super Total Epic Failure. i still laugh

Cyrix404 - haha funny admin. (Evil too!)

Sammo - Wtf : D know him since years but change soo much when he became crew(inactivity) he is soo good :)

Beethi - Rofl another long histories, but such an nice girl

EvilGate - wtf where are u?

Ryder - Still without know how did u became crew soo fast : D i hope was with money xD

_Harry_ - wtf potter here

HaZe - T_T cant pwn him but seems an good admin


TEF - WTF this is long histories but he is some good admin. maybe the problem is he got this game in serious way and lol without his bad acts i think he was management then. but 2 times demotes rofl

MyKe - Mike? :P

Darkfire - Since BA was funny. he ftw :)

Barry - wtf saw u in the Lost Season xD

ooshie - dont know soo much from him.

Carcass - Good since BA :)

Felle - WTF i hope see u 1 day xD