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(07-21-2010, 08:22 AM)Blackbean link Wrote: I though u were a boy be4, but Mark showed me your Facebook account. -.-

I don't even have facebook ;(
(07-26-2010, 03:19 AM)Silent_Bob link Wrote: {PICTURE}
That's actually a very nice picture... but due to the shadowing effect you've given it, it gives off the doctored feel. That is to say, I don't view it as a genuine photograph. Did you in fact alter the actual photo with Photoshop or did you just edit the borders? In short, I'd recommend leaving pictures the way they are; if you want to frame them, print them first. This, of course, is merely my opinion on the matter. Feel free to do what you wish. :)
well I did a bit because it looked a bit dull here's a the original and I usually do just leave the pictures the way I took them
[Image: 302yyyu.jpg]
(07-21-2010, 08:22 AM)Blackbean link Wrote: I though u were a boy be4, but Mark showed me your Facebook account. -.-
You know Bean.. Mark can do very, very bad things with your brain. 'careful!
(07-14-2010, 01:41 PM)Silent_Bob link Wrote: ehh I hate editing photos :r

Quote:well I did a bit because it looked a bit dull here's a the original and I usually do just leave the pictures the way I took them

Seriously, LMAO Silent_Bob.... :')

what?if you look at all my pics, that's the only one I've ever edited
oh and another pic
[Image: 2n8dis8.jpg]
Get the fuck out with that picture please.
(07-26-2010, 07:14 AM)Mark link Wrote: Get the fuck out with that picture please.

None of them have particular meaning or purpose, the white balance is often off, they're taken with an iPhone or the likes of such and have no artistic value what so ever.
(07-26-2010, 03:27 AM)Rien link Wrote: I don't even have facebook ;(
oh, i failed then, must be Erin if not you. I´m getting confused by the names. :)
Unfortunately, some people here seem to have very little artistic sensitivity. It's sad, really. There could be a lot said about that chair. What about it's history? the paint can rust stain plus the splatters. Who made the mess, what was being painted? It is also in excellent contrast with the more modern (very clean) chair behind it. It shows that there is nothing wrong with old, experienced and well-designed tech; just because it's new doesn't mean it's better!

Come on guys, use your imaginations!  :D

[Image: 2n16t0n.jpg]