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(LVP Players (0) ) Lets Bring it back!
When i started to play here in early 2014, there were still some players around and was fun to play,but i don't see anyone(i know) on the server,only newbies....Most of the regulars either moved on with their lives or started playing on other servers or are just freaking busy.Nobody has time for SA:MP anymore.Maybe pop on and stay for 20 minutes at max and leave.
LVP can be brought back to life though,if we come up with some new ideas/features...

(01-09-2015, 12:21 AM)(R2D)Facebook link Wrote: yeah we wann LVP to back i miss LVP days ''Damn 0.3z'' we wann 0.3x back
I still can't believe you don't fucking understand that it's not all about 0.3x,fake troll.Besides,we could just turn lag comp off = leadaiming on,if staff would want to(it's already off,my bad*).More people enjoy skinshooting than shooting the ghost,wind,invisible man....Perfect example is a server i enjoy playing on sometimes because it has DM & Freeroam. Daily playercount jumps up to 980 players of 1000 free slots.
As i've said,perfect suggestions might dig up the way up to the ground from the deep grave.

Messages In This Thread
(LVP Players (0) ) Lets Bring it back! - by LuKz - 01-08-2015, 02:29 AM
Re: (LVP Players (0) ) Lets Bring it back! - by Rooney - 01-09-2015, 12:32 AM