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So, to get all those things I effectively need to write something so crude, disgusting, provocative and as-much-against-the-rules as possible so that the topic would instantly get locked, and I would recieve a few month vacation from this forum?

I could just post a picture of a n-word with a swastika tattoo eating watermelon while headbutting a jewish guy and kicking jesus in the balls, meanwhile the pope is photobombing this photo by shaving hitlers head just to reveal the ussr flag drawn on his bald head with permanent marker. And just to top it all off, how about a stairway to heaven cover by justin bieber featuring pitt bull and mitt romney, a dubstep remix ofcourse.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The last person to reply to this topic... - by n00ne - 06-23-2012, 09:12 PM