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(07-02-2017, 06:17 PM)Death$tar Wrote: He not BB bro that's his mistake xD

Well well, look who's here! Let me tell you what the mistake here is. The mistake is he don't have enough reputation as a fair player, he’s known to be abusing all the time. And just because of that they realized they have chances of becoming admins  (through humza) they changed their attitudes. He don't have enough courage to play on his own depending on his skills and in addition he is trashtalking all the time with his buddy or brother Legeoner (our Future admin). Why im even telling you this is because, who's recently got banned for "No Recoiling" and don't even know the letter 's' in word "skills". And the mistake is you guys are not even invited here (when elder get cozy, younger should not put noses). And about that MJ.gif that annoys me remove that before it gets to you... I am not threatening you just telling because your opposition party are way better then you in making those things...

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RE: Post a question for the person below you - by Winnie - 07-02-2017, 08:36 PM