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The latest influx of retarded, irrational and unbalancing "feminism" over the past few years can get me pretty infuriated about my own sex, sometimes also makes me feel a little ashamed even though I'm not like them.

The way women talk cheaply and filthily about others behind eachothers backs (gossip) and the drama associated with it. I don't get it, waste of time and energy if you ask me.

Female drivers. Because 90% of the time when driving, they're doing something unrelated to driving a car (smartphone, make-up in rearview mirror, calling, rummaging in a bag on seat next to them, etc). And no, I don't do any of that shit. It really makes me angry when I see people do that kind of shit :v

That was nice, a little self-gender hatin'. Your turn!
(since the majority of you is male around here)

What's three things you don't like about men?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Post a question for the guy below you - by Lucy - 07-14-2016, 09:33 AM