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Post a question for the person below you
first of all, fuck you doctorg

i don't really have a preference but i gotta say instruments are the best, plus all those electronic beats are made of... real instruments. except synths and shit. i like electronic music more when im drunk but now that i think of it i listen to a lot of electronic music, even tho it's mostly chillout/retrowave etc. wow im confused, i dunno what i prefer anymore. why did i get drunk yesterday fuck off portugal

ok soooooooooooooooooo

would you rather have a huge salary but you had to do the same thing everyday in a job you hate, or minimum wage and have a job that you loved and could do many different things?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Post a question for the guy below you - by Shark - 07-01-2016, 12:14 PM