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Post a question for the person below you
(11-09-2015, 11:45 PM)Bloodst3r link Wrote: You forgot to ask a question, so I'll do that on your behalf^. :+

Growing extensively long hair all over your body after each time you shave by 8 hours, or having no hair at all?

Cheating like LuceĀ  ;)

Long hair all the way, My fringe goes the bottom of my chin and back of hair goes down my neck!

(11-10-2015, 12:42 AM)Runizor link Wrote: Sorry for not posting a question afterwards, my bad & apologies!

Extensively long hair ( i used to grow "spagetti" on my head or that's what i called my blond long hair ).

Do you like NFS ( Need for Speed ) or ColinMcRae series more? Which one of these? (e.g MostWanted, Carbon, Shift, McRae 04, 05 etc.)
Need For Speed all the way, I had the very first game when I was 6-7 years old.

If you were on death row and had to choose your last meal, What would it be, And why?


Messages In This Thread
Re: Post a question for the guy below you - by Nater - 11-10-2015, 03:07 AM