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1- I didn't delete it for just that reason. That topic went way too far. Maybe I shouldn't have phrased it as "cyber-bullying", but sure as hell the way they were going wasn't the right way. In the end it was only sleep being banned by me for a few days after geting multiple warnings regarding his spam in a lot of topics about this. There are still plenty of posts around regarding people's anger in that topic. I unlocked it after I spoke with the people posting in that topic, and even they agreed it was going too far.
However, I also aknowledge I wrongfully gave Winnie an official warning on the forums, and thus I had revoked that warning after Winnie messaged me about it.

2- Totally agree.

And what's going on right now: I've created a topic in the crew forums an hour ago regarding dealing with cheating regulars, clearing up rules, listening to players, handing out temporary rights and inactivity of management. (Or atleast not showing there activity)
Let's hope things will change in the near future :)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Post a question for the person below you - by Holsje - 07-02-2017, 12:28 PM