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If you give them material, they are going to make memes of you. Have you ever thought why you're not targeted as Phucker and Humza? Because your actions were not suitable for anyone to make memes about you. On the other hand, Humza temping the most non suitable players is an action that frustrated the ones who care about this server, and the way they're showing their frustration is by targeting them with memes. You know, under dictature and times when people were not able to express their opinions properly, they had to hide their messages in their creations (like books, songs and other stuff), in this case, they are hiding it behind memes.

I see 2 solutions that could have been done: either both the involved persons (Phucker and Humza) should have dealt with the memes as mature people, or Humza should have accepted his mistake and sent his apologies to everyone, players and admins of the server (which would be the best solution). None of it happened, so the memes continued until at some point the ones who raised their voices not only that didn't get what they wanted for everyone's good, but they also got punished for raising their voices. So as you see, there are many things that went wrong that led to this chaotic situation.

What could be done now? First of all everyone should calm down and clear their mind. Nobody is fighting here or anything, it is just that we've been letting things go the wrong way. I think everyone should be unbanned (Sleep, Fiend and Haunter) AND warned properly. Humza should step up and apologize for his mistake and someone should warn properly anyone that will still think of being toxic to both Phucker and Humza. 

I know exactly why such a small thing turned into such a big problem: management inactivity. Admins are humans too, they make mistakes (like Humza with temping the wrong persons and Finisha banning Sleep for 365 days over this thing), and that's exactly why managements are needed, to show them the right way. cake used to do this perfectly. What we gotta do now is find someone as good as cake, which is not an easy thing to do, but it becomes easier when we look at all of the players, not just 3-4 friends of ours.

EDIT: Just saw Meltdown's another post, you got a point once again bruh!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Post a question for the person below you - by S0n1c - 07-02-2017, 11:55 AM