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Post a question for the person below you
(12-03-2015, 11:00 PM)Matrix_Smith link Wrote: probably get in my car, fill her up and wreak havoc, driving over as many objects as possible, racking up the damage as much as I can (only materialistic, not looking out to hurt anyone physically) governmental / city council owned objects would be best, so no one would have to bear the brunt I caused (expect maybe a couple of mailboxes or w/e). My car weighs over 2,5 tonnes and is sturdy built, I think I'd get pretty far. Perhaps even end it in a police chase.

Or perhaps cry for a week then die, iunno

Any childhood memory you cherish in particular?

Getting a copy of Slipknot's album Vol.3 (The Subliminal Verses), Till this day one of the closest albums to my heart.

Worst childhood memory?

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Re: Post a question for the guy below you - by Nater - 12-04-2015, 03:23 AM