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Electronic/Trance/Dance/House/Techno freaks
You stick a straw between your lips and sip a bit of apple Martini, which cost an arm and a leg. Bar looks simple. But simplicity is the new luxury, your secretary would say. Maybe. Round room is slowly filling up with people, which sit eagerly on leather sofas. Right in the middle was the metal, shiny dancing pole. Mild blue light was shining, reflecting in the eyes of awaiting guests. Most of them are like you – young, enterprising, showing promise with their first million already on their accounts. Men in suits, women in costumes, chatting away, speculating, never shutting up and waiting. You take another sip. The bartender glances at you. She stops cleaning the glass, which she was holding and disappears behind some doors that you never even noticed. That moron pretending to be a DJ slowly tunes down and is engulfed by some secret entrance. You loosen up the tie. Was the spectacle about to begin?

And suddenly, without any warning, the lights are out. Some quiet screams. You pull out your mobile phone, yearning for light. You are welcomed by dark screen, pushing all buttons notwithstanding. A nervous giggle. In dark you find your straw and take yet another sip, your hand shakes a little. You can feel that everyone is nudging people around.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Electronic/Trance/Dance/House/Techno freaks - by Shark - 06-22-2013, 01:06 PM