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New Gang System Idea
Great idea! The spot for getting the base should be just behind the wall, so your in the middle of everything practically.

No theres no spot.... its the gang base area. so like that front bit entrance bit and around the building.

Edit: More Ideas

Saw in another post about being more gang bases.

We were thinking if we added more gang bases to take over it would be cool.

1 gang base you get money if you own it

another you get health

another you get ammo etc

Might make it more complicated though. But would be good for lots of gangs on the server. We'll see
Very nice idea! I like it :D
I like it 2
But i think the gang owning the base should still have to buy the base 1 time if they want to enter the room or something...
But it's a really nice idea u should test it, and if it works out, leave it like this.

EDIT: Please don't do multiple bases, because even if there are only 2 bases, the gang has to split up if they want to own both bases. That sucks. It's better when all gangs have to fight for one base. Ahh and talking about ALL gangs, what if there are like 2 allied gangs hanging around togheter at the base ? U would have to implent a feature that recognizes allied gangs !!! Or even if they are not allied, what if there are 3-4 gangs at the base at the same time `?
I'm implementing it so that the gang who initiates the Gang war(ie the first gang to enter the base) is the only one who can win that gang war until another gang war is started... Hmmmm yeah I'll have a think about the allied gangs idea though...
If it'S possible please implent this. Like 2 gangs or more can join up and have a 2-gangchat like with !!  or with ? or something like that at the begining
Seems to me allied gangs would be popular. i shall work on implementing something and see how it goes.

Thanks for the support and suggestions so far they are really helpful..

Keep them coming
While your working on it, Can U have it so that gangs are saved? Like in LVP RPG (I no it will be in LVP 3.0, But that could be ages!
What do you mean with saved?
If you mean that u dont have to /gang create its a nice point..
would be awesome if u could make a script where u have to set a pw to join a gang and u dont need an invite
like /gang join "id/gangname" "pw"
So you can register the gang (maybe just like registering a new user ? ) and the gang leader can always change the gang pw with his account  if its needed :)
Hm this would suck in samp0.1b because the gang list would get so long it would get off the screen. I once was on a server that had this problem... So wait till there is chatlog or console or something in 0.2