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Improving Race System
I've been playing a lot on a certain racing server lately (play.adrenalinex.co.uk:7777) and to a lesser extent also racing in MTA's big servers. I think there's a lot of room of improvement for LVP's racing feature which at the moment does not provide the great amounts of fun that it could. So I'm just gonna go ahead and start hitting some main things that could use improvement:

  • The amount of races should be much higher. I think it's simply a necessity if the race system is to be fun. Doing 20 different races can be fun for a while and it can even be fun to try to beat the top records for those 20 races (for people who are able to beat records) but sooner or later this will just get very boring. ... Perhaps a race creating possibility for regular players (we had that some years ago, can't remember what happened to it).
  • Different types of races. Based on my experiences on the servers I mentioned, I would like to have such race types: 

  1. Regural race where all the players are in the same world and can see each other, but they can't ram each other with cars (ghost mode). This is basically what LVP has right now. Depending on the race the players could either have or not have the possibility to use /vr (vehicle repair) command.
  2. "IV Race" (name refers to GTA IV races, I assume) - players are randomly placed in cars with a partner (if there are enough racers), one drives the car, the other one has M4 and can shoot other racing teams. Cars have partial godmode which means that the tires can be temporarily punctured by shooting (for ~2 seconds, enough to possibly make the enemy crash), but the car cannot be destroyed. People inside of the car can also be killed by shooting (if a driver dies then the passenger may exit the car, get back in as the driver and continue racing). If a team of two finishes, the driver will be counted as 1st place, the shooter as 2nd place).
      3. "SK race" players are spawned in a world where there is a large choice of cars, often there are hidden cars away from the spawn                  point (or near, but harder to access) and the players have ~100 seconds to find a suitable car and get to a big red START                          checkpoint. After the countdown is over the race goes on as a normal race except there is no /vr (vehicle repair) option, instead
           are there vehicles spawned every now and then throughout the map (near CP-s or in between them). These races are usually long            (at least 50 checkpoints and sometimes up to 200, most of the times between 50 and 100 cp-s though). Can be extremely fun if              well created. //Also an important part that I forgot is that there are often CP-s near which there is a vehicle switch point aka a place            for example where there are tons of planes and you the following 20 cp-s are high in the air for example, or boat CP-s.
  • Racing as a continuous process (players can join /race whenever they want and they will be spawned into the start of either an ongoing race or a starting race with other people currently in that gamemode) but also having the possibility to complete Time Trial type races alone (e.g. /tt)
  • Checkpoint counter (showing how many CP-s you have gone through and how many there are in total). I think we had that before maybe. Should be quite easy anyway.
  • Every race saving stats for the 10 best times instead of just the winner's time.
// I'll edit this later, I had more ideas but gotta go atm. I think most of the important stuff is written now.
This is absolutly awesome.
I would like to suggest already that everyone, including you <3, is always free to provide us new races. Giving startpoints and endpoint and ofcourse the checkpoints while racing plus some extra information we really should define, are already enough for us to create a race!
I suggest to add new race from Any Airport to Any Airport (e.g. LV to LS), means u can use any way or road to get to airport exept tow and other TP Facilities. There should be no checkpoints. Or you can aslo set locations like From Ship to Any Airport or many more locations, but without checkpoints!
I have more tracks and locations of racing!

Add: Like we have duels in fights, we can have duels in races.
(08-09-2016, 03:37 PM)Xanland Wrote: I would like to suggest already that everyone, including you <3, is always free to provide us new races. Giving startpoints and endpoint and ofcourse the checkpoints while racing plus some extra information we really should define, are already enough for us to create a race!

I'm afraid that this would be a little too inconvenient of a way for race creation. Sure if we needed two specific races in specific locations for specific occasions it wouldn't be too much of a hassle, but to make more than that like this would be just painful. Is there no old code from the time when we had a working system for creating races easily? I'm pretty sure it was made by cake.
Of course, I do agree that this way is not convenient at _ALL_. ;) This is indeed a option we have for now, since lots of us knows the /pos-cmd where you can get the X, Y and Z with (with MTA-editor or how it is called, it is a bit easier but still sucks nonetheless). Just some small, easy thingie if you have a nice idea for a race.

The old race-creator is unfortunately removed since we are trying to move over our systems to javascript to be able to code it better with less bugs, since javascript is not typed like pawn.
I could say that I could quickly make some small thingie with a set of commands for this, but knowing myself I know this is going to take a bit more time than I think it would. :X Besides this it is quite a large feature and such large features require a good boilerplate.

At least: glad you put this much effort in the thread, awesome you posted it! :)
lw's race system atm is awesome! A carbon copy would absolute fire! :PP