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Quote:(10/31/09 @ 12:14:35 PM) <Nudie> i hope you get aids
(10/31/09 @ 12:14:38 PM) <Nudie> really do
(10/31/09 @ 12:14:50 PM) <TEF> That would denote your recognition that I get laid.
(10/31/09 @ 12:15:02 PM) <Nudie> ..
(10/31/09 @ 12:15:02 PM) <TEF> Are you sure you want to follow through with that insult (Y/N)?
(10/31/09 @ 12:15:06 PM) <Nudie> backfire
(10/31/09 @ 12:15:08 PM) <TEF> Indeed.
(10/31/09 @ 12:15:29 PM) <Nudie> still hope you'll die somehow
(10/31/09 @ 12:15:37 PM) <TEF> Fair enough.

Lol, reminded me of the time where i threatened you with giving you aids and you banned me. lol

You banned Nudie?
(10-31-2009, 08:32 PM)Madlaggz link Wrote: Lol, reminded me of the time where i threatened you with giving you aids and you banned me. lol
You behaved so childishly on that day, I can't believe it. Oh, wait, what am I saying, you always behave childishly.
And that's the end of that, ladies.
(10-31-2009, 09:54 PM)TEF™ link Wrote: And that's the end of that, ladies.

(10-28-2009, 05:04 PM)Jerome® link Wrote: I wanna see some quotes like that of the 1st page ... seriously. When I need a laugh I just read the 1st page and rofl for hours it's fucking awesome .. then you get the last 50 odd pages of shit. WEAK. Even I admit, the shit I have posted on numerous occasions isn't really funny :/

Cmon guys :'(
Here's a few quotes I've saved over time. Please note that a few may have already been posted, but I searched beforehand. (So it's the damn forum's fault if this occurs.)

Quote:[06:46:34] <+Cibby> why would i visit the anal of the internet?
[06:49:05] <+Saber> 4chan is S&M
[06:59:03] * +Cibby slaps MrBondt around a bit with a large trout
[06:59:21] <&MrBondt> .
[06:59:44] <+Saber> computer first
[07:09:55] * +Cibby slaps MrBondt around a bit with a large trout
[07:10:01] <+Saber> s
[07:25:30] <+Cibby> Gaitman is now leaving for Sleeping...ZZZzzz.
[07:35:10] <+Saber> o AM EMD DE
[07:36:40] <+Cibby> n 4chan aint anal
[07:48:05] <+Saber> send through paypal
[07:50:53] <+Cibby> f
[07:56:19] <+Saber> and you haf new computah
[08:05:43] <+Cibby> D:

[08:08:35] <+Saber> Maka
[08:15:40] <+Cibby> !kb LobbyZ fag

Quote:[12:25:03] *%Nowani:%#LVP.echo* PM from TEF (35) to SuperManHero (63): I see you. ^^
[12:25:12] <%Nowoni> [63] SuperManHero: .pm 35 o shit :O
[12:25:21] *%Nuwoni:%#LVP.echo* PM from SuperManHero (63) to TEF (35): fuck
[12:25:23] *%Nowoni:%#LVP.echo* *** SuperManHero has been banned by TEF: You ain't Superman.
[12:25:24] <&Nuwini> [63] *** SuperManHero left the game (kicked).

Quote:[09:28:55] <%Nuwoni> [31] Noodles: is TEF The gay boy here??
[09:28:59] *%Nowuni:%#LVP.echo* *** Noodles has been banned by TEF (IRC): Yes, I am.
[09:28:59] <&Nuwani> [31] *** Noodles left the game (kicked).

Quote:[09:23:36] <@[Griffin]> i read slow to TEF
[09:23:43] <%Joe_Rock> You read slow to TEF?

Quote:[09:46:20] <%Erin> did i miss anything?
[09:46:26] <%Erin> besides TEF talking to himself

Quote:[08:37:18] <@Fatass> !say I'm AFK.
[08:37:18] <&Nuwani> *** Fatass on IRC: I'm AFK.
[08:37:20] <@Fatass> !say :+
[08:37:21] <&Nuwani> *** Fatass on IRC: :+
[08:37:23] <@Fry> :')
[08:37:30] <@Fry> i lost it at  Fatass on IRC:
[08:37:34] <@Fatass> Lmfao
[08:37:37] <@Fry> that's TEF summed up
[08:37:58] <@Fatass> !ban 6 Money Cheats
[08:38:00] *&Nuwani:%#LVP.echo* *** adm1n has been banned by Fatass (IRC): Money Cheats

Quote:[05:45:50] <%Nowani> [9] [BWS]Game: why I got no permission anymore
[05:45:56] <%Nuwoni> [2] TEF: Because I'm an abuser.
[05:46:03] <%Nuwoni> [2] TEF: Go complain to Fireburnt.
[05:46:06] <&Nuwani> [1] Fireburn: D:
[05:46:10] <%Nuwuni> [2] TEF: He's now taking the complaints
[05:46:12] <%Nowani> [1] Fireburn: NEVER
[05:46:13] <&Nuwani> [1] *** Fireburn left the game (leaving).
[05:46:15] <&Nuwini> [2] TEF: LMFAO!
[05:46:16] <&Nuweni> [2] TEF: _O-

Quote:[02:04:05] <+Cibby> [HaZe] [.Welcome HaZe.]
[02:06:13] <@HaZe> TY!
[02:14:08] <+Cibby> Bite me

Quote:[08:22:16] <%Nuwoni> [5] *** TEF has logged in.
[08:22:16] <&Nuweni> [5] *** TEF joined the game.
[08:22:16] <&Klotebot> !pm 5 You fail, TEF (ID: 5)!
[08:22:16] *%Nowani:%#lvp.echo* PM from Klotebot (0) to TEF (5): You fail, TEF (ID: 5)!
[08:22:28] <%Nowini> [5] TEF: Fucking computer
[08:22:40] <&Nuwini> [5] TEF: "Original disc could not be found or authenticated"
[08:22:43] <&Nuweni> [5] TEF: "Fuck you, SA:MP"
[08:22:47] <%Nuwuni> [5] TEF: "k"
[08:22:50] <%Nuwoni> [5] TEF: "WORK!"
[08:22:54] <%Nowani> [5] TEF: "make me"
[08:22:56] <%Noweni> [5] TEF: "u"
[08:22:58] <%Nowini> [5] TEF: "k"
[08:23:04] <%Nowuni> [5] TEF: "thx"
[08:23:06] <%Nowoni> [5] TEF: "np"
[08:23:06] <@Fry> !say I hope you didn't turn on muteall
[08:23:06] <&Nuwani> *** Fry on IRC: I hope you didn't turn on muteall
[08:23:11] <&Nuwani> [5] TEF: Nope _O-
[08:23:14] <&Nuweni> [5] TEF: Everyone just shut up xD
[08:23:14] <@Fry> !say oh lol
[08:23:14] <&Nuwani> *** Fry on IRC: oh lol
[08:23:16] <@Fry> !say phew
[08:23:16] <&Nuwani> *** Fry on IRC: phew
[08:23:23] <@Fry> !say i was watching like "god damnit tef"
[08:23:24] <&Nuwani> *** Fry on IRC: i was watching like "god damnit tef"

I know at least a few of those are decent.
Haha nice quotes :P
Lol the first one and a few others like .. the 7th are awesome :D
[quote=Frazer][21:47] <Nuwini> [36] Frazer: TEF never fail :D
[21:47] <Nuwoni> [12] *** Jay joined the game.
[21:47] <Nuwani> *** mattv1 has bought the property The Well Stacked Pizza!
[21:47] <Nuweni> [36] Frazer: ( always )
[21:47] <Nuwoni> *** _Player [i2]galaxym4n (ID:18) bought $100000 worth of sex-appeal_
[21:47] <Nowani> [36] Frazer: hah xD

