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those /quit jokes are getting older and older..
(09-22-2009, 12:22 AM)Joe link Wrote: [7:20:20 PM] <TEF> it's not that I'm stupid
[7:20:25 PM] <TEF> it's just the right half of my brain is retarded.

Sounds about right, lol.
Quote:<+swift> if u put tha with philip u wudnt see much of a differince
<@Saber> yeh i feel like that
<+swift> fuck off u
<%Jerome> olololol
<+swift> i aint talkin to u so fuckin /q fat cunt
<~Ryder> lalalalal
<+Sean3> lmao
<+swift> u think u can just pop from anywere an interrupt my fuckin convo saber?
<+swift> u cheaky lil twat
<%Jerome> :DDDDD
<+swift> people like u who dont no me only speak wen i fuckin say so i think half of lvp noes that by now u fuckin shit bag
<%Jerome> Saber getting owned
<+swift> who da fucks saber anyway?
<+swift> never heard of the slut
<%Jerome> A bot :D
<+swift> are u serious?
<%Jerome> Lmao xDDD
<+Sean3> lmaoo
<+swift> so ive been arguin with a bot?
<+Sean3> u fuckin shit bag
<+Sean3> lmaooo
<+swift> thinkin its a person?
<+Sean3> roflllll
<%Jerome> rofl

_O- _O- _O-
lmfao ... swift ftw.  :Y)
a PM from Vio to some random crybaby  :+

[03:27] <Violax> fit?
[03:27] <DJ_Raz> Huh??
[03:28] <Violax> sis
[03:28] <Violax> fit?
[03:28] <DJ_Raz> I have no idea what you mean by that.
[03:28] <Violax> wts her msn
[03:28] <DJ_Raz> I'm not willing to share that info.
[03:29] <Violax> she is
[03:29] <Violax> aint ur info
[03:29] <Violax> so giv
[03:29] <DJ_Raz> Well, find a way to ask her
[03:29] <DJ_Raz> Not me.
[03:29] <Violax> pussyole
[03:29] <DJ_Raz> Whatever.
[03:29] <Violax> giv now
[03:30] <DJ_Raz> No.
[03:30] <Violax> fuk u sayin
[03:30] <Violax> fatboy
[03:30] <Violax> giv
[03:30] <DJ_Raz> No.
[03:30] <Violax> where u liv
[03:30] <DJ_Raz> Up your ass, dipshit.
[03:31] <Violax> lil pussy
[03:31] <Violax> hw old u faggot
[03:31] <DJ_Raz> Yeah, you're reeeeal intimidating.
[03:31] <DJ_Raz> I'm 18.
[03:31] <Violax> sik
[03:31] <Violax> im 13
[03:31] <Violax> fuk u gna do badman
[03:31] <DJ_Raz> Nothing, as you can't do anything either
[03:32] <Violax> yh
[03:32] <Violax> tell me where u liv thn
[03:32] <DJ_Raz> I already told you
[03:32] <Violax> tld me wt
[03:32] <Violax> tht u a pussy?
[03:32] <Violax> too scared to gimme ur address?
[03:32] <DJ_Raz> I live in the deepest crevasse of your asscrack, so dig your finger on up there
[03:33] <Violax> faggot
[03:33] <Violax> some weak lil pussyole
[03:33] <DJ_Raz> Whatever.
[03:34] <Violax> tht all u cn say?
[03:34] <Violax> badman
[03:34] <DJ_Raz> All you can do to me is talk shit anyway. Where's the action, tough guy?
[03:34] <Violax> the action?
[03:34] <Violax> giv me ur address n ull find out
[03:34] <Violax> il fuk u up anyday, u jus too pussy to meet me
[03:35] <Violax> nw go get some muscle u weak lil faggot
[03:35] <DJ_Raz> If you were so smart you'd find your own way to find me
[03:36] <Violax> north carolina?
[03:36] <DJ_Raz> Yep
[03:37] <DJ_Raz> Nice job
[03:37] <Violax> k done my bit
[03:37] <Violax> nw u tell me ur address
[03:37] <Violax> or u still too pussy?
[03:38] <DJ_Raz> Go find that too
[03:39] <Violax> u a joke
[03:39] <Violax> go get some muscle u fukin weak cunt
[03:39] <Violax> u dare show me a pic of u? incase i find out where u liv so i kno which faggot im after
[03:39] <Violax> or u too pussy for tht too?
[03:40] <DJ_Raz> All you are is a name on a screen. All I have to do to make you go away is close this screen
[03:40] <Violax> 'to make u go away'
[03:40] <DJ_Raz> You are nothing. Go play in traffic, kid.
[03:40] <Violax> aww
[03:40] <Violax> lool
[03:40] <Violax> lil faggot man
[03:40] <Violax> biggest pussy i seen
[03:40] <Violax> u dnt even dare tell a 13 yr old where u liv
[03:40] <Violax> ur a joke
[03:40] <Violax> yo
[03:41] <Violax> ur dead
[03:41] <DJ_Raz> Like I care what you think. I have a life. You don't.
[03:41] <Violax> u do? hahaha
[03:41] <Violax> doin wt
[03:41] <Violax> make me laugh faggot
[03:41] <Violax> with ur 'life'
[03:42] <DJ_Raz> You think you're such a big man, showing off the balls you haven't grown yet
[03:42] <DJ_Raz> Get off the computer, kid
[03:43] <Violax> im 18 n i sure hav more of a life than u ever will
[03:43] <DJ_Raz> Go get a girlfriend, get laid
[03:43] <Violax> u jus some lil pussy
[03:43] <Violax> wow
[03:43] <Violax> how original?
[03:43] <Violax> hahaa
[03:44] <Violax> i dumpd my gf 2 weeks ago
[03:44] <Violax> thanks for the tip tho, bt i get enough pussy
[03:44] <DJ_Raz> Well go get another
[03:44] <Violax> bt do u? doubt it
[03:44] <Violax> go on badman show me u thn
[03:45] <DJ_Raz> I don't have to do anything, because you can't do anything
[03:45] <Violax> ur pathetic
[03:46] <DJ_Raz> And you're a latent homosexual.
[03:46] <Violax> dnt even kno wt tht is
[03:46] <DJ_Raz> EXACTLY. And you're how old?
[03:47] <Violax> i jus lookd it up, nw i kno
[03:47] <Violax> yh, im 18
[03:47] <Violax> y wud i need to kno wt the fuk tht means?
[03:47] <Violax> u obviously had to look it up or came across it since u r
[03:47] <Violax> tru?
[03:47] <Violax> lil faggot
[03:47] <Violax> ur sad
[03:48] <DJ_Raz> Go do something productive, kid. Stop wasting my time
[03:48] <Violax> make me
[03:48] <DJ_Raz> I'm being nice by not reporting you, you know.
[03:48] <Violax> reportin me to who?
[03:48] <DJ_Raz> Plenty of ops and hops in here
[03:49] <Violax> LOOOOOOOOL
[03:49] <Violax> hahahahaha
[03:49] <Violax> u fukin sad cunt
[03:49] <Violax> in here where?
[03:49] <DJ_Raz> In #LVP
[03:50] <Violax> wt u gna do?
[03:50] <Violax> report me then wt?
[03:50] <DJ_Raz> Then you go bye-bye
[03:50] <Violax> from where?
[03:50] <DJ_Raz> From this chat
[03:50] <Violax> this chat?
[03:50] <Violax> explain
[03:50] <Violax> where wud i b banned from?
[03:51] <DJ_Raz> #LVP is an Internet Relay Chat room, or IRC room. You can be banned from the channel.
[03:51] <Violax> LOOOOOOL
[03:51] <Violax> go ahead
[03:52] <Violax> report me and get me banned from #lvp
[03:52] <Violax> hahaha
[03:52] <Violax> lil faggot
Lmfao ... English 'ard. Vio ruthless cunt i'll fuck you up anyday kid, wait til i see you out on road pussyole

/me runs
(09-27-2009, 04:29 AM)Jerome® link Wrote: Lmfao ... English 'ard. Vio ruthless cunt i'll fuck you up anyday kid, wait til i see you out on road pussyole

/me runs

Lol, who are you talking to?
(09-27-2009, 05:03 AM)tumitama link Wrote: Lol, who are you talking to?
dont bother if you dont know vio
(09-27-2009, 07:56 AM)XiZ link Wrote: dont bother if you dont know vio

(09-27-2009, 09:48 AM)tumitama link Wrote: Mmkay.
nice quote... :/