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Any developers out there?
Hey fellas, Corleone here.

I've been away for quite some time, and I've been around the SAMP community and beyond. I've taken an interest in IV:MP, and I have an idea, but I need a couple more level headed individuals to help me with an idea my friends and I have started.

I'm not talking about a server, or another community, so I do not intend to take away anything from LVP. LVP is an old home of mine, and I really do respect the crew and old players. But I do have a question for anyone who is reading this...
  • Does anyone know C# extensively, or development skills?
  • Does anyone know how to properly configure and develop software for web-servers?
You should ask this on sa:mp.com :o There's more people that go on that website.
Dude don't go to sa-mp forums to ask a question about another game than sa-mp.
They will either deny & ignore it or redirect you somewhere else
By the way; I'm familiar with C-Sharp!