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Free to play BF game... http://www.play4free.com/battlefield-play4free

Looks kinda Counterstrike 1.6'ish. Not everything but most of it.
I've got some footage of the beta of this game somewhere on my computer. Haven't played it since then (I got BC2 around the same time and just played that).

It was ok from what I remember, but nothing special... I don't know, maybe it's changed a lot since back then.
I played it for the first time over one year ago. I remember in that time it only had around three maps available or something, but for a free game it wasn't bad at all, even though I wasn't really familiarized with any of the Battlefield games. I think I joined the game a few months  ago again, and have added more maps. I might join it again when I get some free time on weekends. :P

PS: The bad thing in it is that it is indeed "free", but there is a chance for you to pay money in order to get more and better weapons. And it sucks for the people who want to play it without spending a penny ahah
I guess I'll just wait for the BF3 F2P D: