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SA-MP 0.2.2 Discussion!
Damn, thats a great idea! Haha! _O- :+
Lol yeah. For gang wars, just blow one up in the middle of everyone  :)
Or even for roadblocks, perhaps a coach blocking the way into base, then when Gnag members come crashing through, BANG BANG!
Hehe. This will be fun! :D

Guys, I can't wait!

I hope 0.2 and 3.00 don't have many bugs. Ofcourse we should keep that in our heads so the game will be frustrated. ;)
It WILL have bugs lol. Private beta tests tommorow, so hopefully a load will be filtered out.

Nice videos released though  O+

I think they will fix most known bugs before 0.2 comes out. And LVP 3.0 will off course be debugged before put online.
Lol! I Hope rocket lauchers will be buyable as a spawn weapons! maybe 50 mil for 20 rounds lol!
Oh noes. Would be cool to shoot heli's out of the air. >:)
Rocket launchers should be like 1 round for 100m :) Or people like ***** will start shooting and blow the base up and it'll be no gang war off skill just a gang war off reactions =\