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(09-16-2016, 03:55 PM)Shark Wrote: Maka and FateTrip, along with some SWK faggots.

Actually I'd like to meet everyone, I'd like to see the e-gangsters themselves in real life when they don't even look people in the eyes lel
I'd love to meet you, too! O+

(09-16-2016, 08:58 PM)NightFury Wrote: USA

Would you rather buy a gaming laptop or a gaming desktop?
Considering I already have a gaming desktop, I suppose the gaming laptop (which, to be fair, is on my list anyway). :+

What's your current "set it on replay" song? :)
Closer, Clod Water...

Aimbot or Health Hack?

Pizza or pancakes?
Only a cake

Weed Shop or a Bakery?
Bakery :D

If you like to unban one of those people who's permanently banned,who would that be?
That would be a player who really want to come back and want us to truely TRUST him and recover/forget past nukes/kick/bans/other players ban for interior abuse, and not leave LVP By posting a leave letter in forums because it will make you gain so much ATTENTION and aslo damage the environment of server which will result in doubts in the new players mind about crew members administration and ultimately result will be not good!

That would be ¥@$$!*3

Will Yassine come back and look at me?
No idea, does he even know you exist?

3 properties named after you or 3 free houses?
I already own 3 houses I'll go for 3 properties! (Dont ask me how I own 3 houses)... If you really wanna know, forum PM me.

How many players will be unbanned this Christmas?
no idea

whats your favorite sports car of all time?
BMW M3 E30

which is nicer and i should use :>

[Image: 2n6djr.png]  or [Image: 1qra14.png]