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What to map?

[color=red]Stunts and jumps is what we would like the most.

Stunts & Jumps

At present we have a command: /map [id]. This teleports a player to a stunt zone. We need lots of stunts and jumps. For example, you might like to map lots of ramps and loops around San Fierro Airport, or you might want to create a huge jump in mid air like /map 0 and /map 1.


You could also map an island. This will be situated in the main world and once complete we may add a minigame there depending on what the island is like. For example it may be good for death matching, or it could be good for racing or a derby.


You could also map interiors - this could include the inside and outside part. We would then add a teleport (pickup?) at the outside entrance which upon picking up would teleport the player to the inside of the interior.
Follow this guide when creating a map for LVP:


Information from Chillosophy's topic:


What is BunnyTrack
Bunnytrack originated from Unreal Tournament. It is basically a capture the flag map where a player (or team) has to score as many points as possible. This is not done by killing, but by completing an insane obstacle course, increasing in difficulty all the time. If you make it to the end after a dozen of tries you score a point and you're respawned at the beginning again.
Bunnytrack is strangely addictive. People who like Hay probably know what I mean, although hay has no increasing difficulty.

How is this done in SA-MP?
In SA-MP things will be a bit different, since we don't have flags or custom objects. That's not really a problem. The point of Bunnytrack is "make it to the end", so no flags needed. It doesn't have to be teambased either. Everything else is possible in SA-MP; moving objects (rotating seems to be a bit harder) and insane jumps aren't a problem.

What does a typical Bunnytrack map look like?
A Bunnytrack map is symmetrical, divided in two, or even four parts. This is to prevent annoying players from blocking the way to the end. It starts of easy, you spawn and start off with a few really easy tricks. You have little chance of failing here. If you proceed, things get a bit harder. Moving objects you have to jump on and very small ledges for example. As you proceed further the map one mistake will kill you instantly.

What's the fun?
The fun is becoming better and better. If at first you don't make a jump, and after five times you do, you really want to continue and get to the end of the map. You feel rewarded if you finally beat a hard part. This gamemode is not just about making it to the end, but also setting a good time. Compare it with a race. Getting to the end is hard, getting it done the fastest is way harder. There's always some highscore to beat.

Demo map

I created this map in about an hour, with some finetuning later. Making a map like this is really easy.
0:06 - Here's an easy obstacle in the beginning of the map. If you fall of, you can just climb back up again. It just costs you time.
0:20 - This object is kind of slippery. If you're in a hurry, this might cause you to fall down.
0:53 - The elevator is a timing thing. It's not really hard. Getting up to the stairs above is a bit trickier.
1:13 - This is really narrow. If you try to run here, or move your mouse a little you'll fall off
1:28 - The little shiprail-thingies (bollards?) are really, really hard.
2:39 - Finally you have to get up the stairs and you're at the end. The last part is easy, but if you screw up you can start over

So this is just an example. It's not really long, but it is hard and addictive. After 42 tries I made it to the end. Then I found out the codec I used for recording was screwed. Another 11 tries and I have this video. I'd love to see this with more than 10 players :)

So what do I do?

1) Create the map with a map editor such as MTA Map editor. We may create an ingame object editor in the near future.

2) Go to http://www.convertffs.com and convert your objects to the CreateObject or "Incognito's Streamer Plugin" format.

3) Post it in this board!


Just to clarify: You can use as many objects as you want. We are using a streamer.
Ohai, Matthias if you need anything simply send me an message here, on forums.
Everything we need is right here in the topic :+

The main things we need are jumps, like /map 0
Ah, so by 'bunnytrack' you mean a 'climbing' map. There are many climbing maps that vary in length. You could use some of them?

Also, regarding interiors. I have a map where every single interior that is not completed/not solid has been made solid and added some things in where it might've been otherwise empty. I will get to work on it straight away as it has some other stuff that is not appropiate (such as fences blocking areas etc).

However, I make my maps on MTA Map Editor. Do the scripters here know how to conver the maps so they can be used on SA-MP?
Bunnytrack: Yeah. I think Chillosophy got the original idea from Unreal Tournament.

Interiors: Sounds great! Some of those interiors are quite cool but it's always been a shame to have incomplete parts. With a lot more interiors for use, I'm sure we'll think of some ways to occupy them (Private player houses maybe?).

MTA Map Editor: MTA Map editor is fine and receives my recommendation. As mentioned in the above post, convertFFS is a good map converter.
With the interiors, would we be able to make something with a password'd door and so on? :D

ohai guyz, ill work for this alot  :+

First,hi all !

I have a question about bunnytrack.I already have a file like bunnytrack.But mine is for motorbycles.Should I create a new one with non-vehicles ?
Anything you map is fine :)

Bunnytrack with bikes Sounds cool, try creating a new topic or posting some screenshots.
I got some idea's for islands, and I could create the islands by myself, but could someone else create a script/minigame/whatever for it? Because I'm not very known with pawn :P