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OMFG! Unbelievable kid!
aslong as they keep it to themselves, let them have their fun, lol
This kid misses a thingy (dutch: stof, dunno english word) in his body that prevents the muscles from growing, like we have, otherwise you can't have those muscles when your 4 lol.
(11-22-2009, 03:52 PM)Hitman link Wrote: aslong as they keep it to themselves, let them have their fun, lol
exactly. what im saying that its not normal to "show" to society that your gay, what kind of example is it giving to young children? all those gay fests and stuff, they all should get shot. if your gay then keep it to yourself and dont advertise it, dont fight for any rights because its not normal.
(11-22-2009, 04:24 PM)Strika link Wrote: exactly. what im saying that its not normal to "show" to society that your gay, what kind of example is it giving to young children? all those gay fests and stuff, they all should get shot. if your gay then keep it to yourself and dont advertise it, dont fight for any rights because its not normal.

What kind of example are you giving to young children by showing that kind of discrimination and unjustified hate towards someone? I would also like to point out that straight people have orgies too. If you want to talk about what is normal in societies, homosexual acts were widely accepted in ancient Greece.

Like I said earlier: You have every disagree and not like someone's actions but in a society of civilized and educated individuals, you have absolutely no right to limit those actions so long as they don't harm you. Again, explained by modern sociological theory, something is only immoral if it causes harm to others without an overbearingly good reason. Just because you have irrational hate for something is not a good reason.

You still haven't explained why it is wrong and not normal. Until you do so, you have absolutely no argument here and are void of any merit. You cannot go around preaching discriminatory and irrational hate and expect people to follow you if you do not give an effective argument with supporting evidence.
(11-22-2009, 02:30 PM)Strika link Wrote: Homosexuality is not normal amongst normal people, most people in my country would beat the shit out of you for just being an emo, not talking for being gay. It is wrong, and it isnt normal, Im sure some pople would agree with me.
You intolerant douche bag. God, it pisses me off how fucking stupid some people are.
Homosexuality isn't biologically normal.
What makes you say that?
The fact that it doesn't lead to reproduction and also especially rare in animals, in conjunction with the definition of the word 'normal'.
(In behavior, normal refers to a lack of significant deviation from the average.)

I'm not going to bother writing an argument against Strika's posts because they're full of crap, but to say that homosexuality is completely and utterly biologically normal is incorrect.

It does depend on the exact definition of 'normal' (to a degree), but argue against it being 'wrong' as opposed to 'normal' and you'll have much better luck.
(11-22-2009, 12:09 PM)Madlaggz link Wrote: No, I doubt that. You probably just wanted to have some cake, and continue having fun on the "Kick a ginger day".

Lol...that wasn't around when we were around that age.

And at the age of 6, you don't think you don't want to be all buffed up? Okay maybe not 6 but that's what encouragement is there for. At 6 that's the age when people want to become popstars or be like their favourite sport athlete or something but why do we at that age even want that? Because we're introduced to it and see it as a nice life and then you like it and want the life they have.

Probably same for this kid. Maybe he watched wrestling or his father introduced him to wrestling and thought that this kid's place was amongst the world's strongest and brought him up this way.

Unless real harm was done or he was overworked or the kid worked out against his will, there isn't a real problem. He was probably started on something small like lifting bags of sugar or something like that.
Maddolis, I appreciate your educated response.

Yes, it definitely depends on the what one would define "normal" to be. This could be anywhere from including only blue-eyed blond males to infinite diversity.

But, your reproduction argument contains a fallacy (if I can assume what your position is). I can use the same logic to conclude that people who decide to not have kids are not normal.