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[TROLL]hmm... let me guess... BANNED OF COURSE!!! by TEF
I´m here to know the REAL REASON I WAS BANNED today...
i just telled TEF which some other players tell me some FAKE TEF appeared on the server trying to trick them... TEF don´t believe me and tell me the only one TEF on the game is him...
I just tell him i was telling the truth, and then, TEF BAN ME with the "idiot" reason "think you can play with my name? Fuck Off" or whatever he said...
look man (or kid), other players told me before some bad things about you, like "TEF is an IDIOT" , "TEF doesn´t know how to BAN with good reasons", etc, etc... some bans you made, were good reasons, but another Bans, was the contraire... and my BAN... no words to explain, cuz was stupid...
TEF, if you have proof I was the "imposter TEF", so prove me... but i got to tell ya but with no ofense... you need to grow up a little... I´m an Admin too, but on another server of course, and i never act like you, cuz it´s stupid be like that...
now, with the other players banned unfair by you, please... grow up a little, cuz almost everyone told me you must be BANNED for the administration of this server, cuz you doesn´t have "feelings" and morale ingame...

Please, change a bit  ;)
Quote:[5:41:14PM] <+TEFBOT> Names from IP Mod_TEF, EVIL_TEFGUY, Who_is_FAKE, admin_TEF, TEF_, Sniper_Wolf

Quote:[5:42:16PM] <+TEFBOT> Names from IP 88.157.*.*: great_moth, RAIDEN, Sniper_Wolf, Mod_TEF, EVIL_TEFGUY, Who_is_FAKE, admin_TEF, TEF_, Sniper_Wolf, LVP_TEF, Admin_TEF, METAL_GEAR_RAY, Ghost_Tef, AntiBan, [VF]StickMan, gugs7, TE_Frings_AF, TEF_AF, T_E_Frings, TEF_AutoForce, T_E_F_AutoForce, lhonitos, Tiaguh23, braga, joao, Sniper_Wolf, Seek_N_Strike, SW_Marcos, JFB

You wanted proof? There's your proof. Your ban length is yet to be determined.

Oh, and read this or I'll never give you a date.
I even banned you earlier today, seems you didn't take the hint and evaded with another name eh?
banned me? YOU!? since when? yesterday, the only one who banned me was TEF, not you...
and i thouth you admins could fight the ban evades of all players like one of you all tell one day, but looks like not... and i know there´s NO WAY to fight it. if it´s an IP ban, a player change it, if it´s a account BAN, the player create another... i know that, cuz i was an admin too.
But one thing some players tell me is right... TEF doesn´t deserve to continue on a high position in this server... some players don´t play anymore in LVP cuz they are tired about TEF. They play now in the server AWESOME STUNTAGES, or in the server ROLE PLAY. And in the future, a new server will help the other 2 servers i said, to take down your server in popularity. that new server will be a "copy" of your server, but will have some modifications, to be BETTER than LVP.
But really... this server is one of the bestest servers i ever played, the problem is when TEF appears there and destroy the fun of some players with stupid reasons, cuz like some players say, TEF is a Total Epic Failure in LVP.
Yes, either yesterday or the day before. I remember the names. Can't find it back right now, but I'm pretty sure I did.

Anyway, fill out the form. ;)
thanks for your proof TEF... looks like you are smart...
yap, was real me... cuz i was tired about you... you don´t respect the other players kid. if I want, i could evade your ban just like i do before, cuz i know the 3 ways to evade bans, cuz i´m an administrator too, but of other server... but this time, i want to be a good boy, and i make the things different for me and i subscribe here to tell some truths you must know, cuz i believe and i know other players think the same things like me about you...
You have to change your attitudes boy, cuz these attitudes are not attitudes for an administrator... you just make the things worst... the other admins aren´t like you kid, and if exist an admin like you, he must be out of the server too until he change his "head".
Look kid, i´m not here to crack your head with words, i´m here to give you a warning, cuz if you continue with your bad attitudes, the players will "fuck off" of LVP like some of them do...
Oh, and if you continue with your attitudes against me, i will take attitudes against you "out of the game".

about the "read this" you tell me, ok... this time, i don´t make a ban evade:

my IP: you know it
Nickname: Sniper_Wolf
Reason: Playing with your name (TEF)
Date: October, 04, 2009

Now the lenght of ban, i don´t care... you know what to do... it´s indiferent for me, but you know what i can do too...  ;)

Stay Cool
ok richards, i believe in you then...
you are not like TEF... very good  :)
Your arrogance is beyond anything I've ever seen. Your unban date? Whenever the hell I feel like unbanning you.

(10-04-2009, 02:04 PM)Sniper_Wolf link Wrote: if I want, i could evade your ban just like i do before, cuz i know the 3 ways to evade bans, cuz i´m an administrator too,
You have no idea about our ban system, so just try it. ;)
(10-04-2009, 02:04 PM)Sniper_Wolf link Wrote: Look kid, i´m not here to crack your head with words, i´m here to give you a warning, cuz if you continue with your bad attitudes, the players will "fuck off" of LVP like some of them do...
Oh, and if you continue with your attitudes against me, i will take attitudes against you "out of the game".

Yeah, I'm not suprised since this is afterall the year 2009, but hey, check it:

You don't have to warn anyone. And about your "the players will 'fuck off' of LVP like some of them do, you do not have to worry about anything.
And if he continues with an attitude like that to you, then what? You'll take what actions? You'll give him the same attitude "out of the game"? How the hell will you do that, you're just gonna IM him flaming a bit? Oh please. It's the internet, psssst.
ok... maybe i try it later... or maybe never...
look tef, i don´t wanna discuss anymore with you... this time, i tell you´re right... i don´t wanna be angry with anyone... i will save my angry and stress for my college and my books to study...
about the ban length, of course it´s with you, you know the drill... ;)
but sometimes, you have to be careful with the other players, you need to watch your words... if this server want go to faaaarrrr away with popularity, you have to make the right decisions and use the right words, and don´t be sarcastic or arrogant... don´t consider this a warning, but yes like a "help".
i´m not worried about the length´s ban, cuz i will be ausent by a few months, cuz i got to study and if i play GTA SA, will be in the new server which is being created, cuz i´m one of the admins of it...

stay cool ;)