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What's your most hated Mission/Missions in the GTA series?
Okay since no one will make the topic, I will. Post the missions you hate the most out of the GTA series. I'll do mine

GTA 2: GTA 2 owned so I can't think of one (And not played it for a while so don't remember most of the missions).

GTA 3: One of the first missions with that Luigi guy.

GTA VC: The RC Goblin (I think that's it's name...the RC helicopter) mission. It's one of the early missions where you gotta plant bombs in that building site.

GTA SA: The one where you got to kill the Virgos on the train with Smoke. Nice mission but Smoke's shooting is shit so I always end up doing that like 20 times.

GTA IV: Would have to be the mission where you got to drive the bomb truck to the garage (Near the start of the game).

Now post yours! (Don't have to include all GTA titles, and can include other GTA titles which I haven't mentioned, but MUST be GTA titles)
Well I loved all missions, some were hard, but incredibly cool.

Most hated (and coolest) is probably Bomb Da Basie in GTA III
Altough the first missions in GTA LCS and GTA VCS got booring after playing the rest of the GTA games (most GTA games have the same kind of missions)
GTA LC:The  first one because i had a shit copy of gta lc and i always crashed lol

GTA VC:Getting away from diazs men when you had to rescue Lance

GTA SA:Wu Zi Mu(i was noob at racing,always went into the water ;P)
GTA3-where u have to smash spank stands
GTA:VC-where u have to distribute flyers on a seaplane that's hard as fuck to control
GTA:SA-Any flying mission
Quote:GTA VC: The RC Goblin (I think that's it's name...the RC helicopter) mission. It's one of the early missions where you gotta plant bombs in that building site.

GTA SA: The one where you got to kill the Virgos on the train with Smoke. Nice mission but Smoke's shooting is shit so I always end up doing that like 20 times.

VC: Haha, I like it :D I always had to do it for my brothers, they always failed it.
SA: Haha yeah, same as above, my brother tried a lot of times, but never got it.

Quote:Most hated (and coolest) is probably Bomb Da Basie in GTA III

Base* We don't bomb clowns :'(
Anyway, I don't hate it at all.

Quote:GTA VC:Getting away from diazs men when you had to rescue Lance

Nah, not too hard. Either use a helicopter, or wait until they come driving to you at first and just turn around them and drive off :D If you have a fast vehicle like them, you should make it.

Quote:GTA3-where u have to smash spank stands
GTA:VC-where u have to distribute flyers on a seaplane that's hard as fuck to control
GTA:SA-Any flying mission

III: Lol, that one is easy! :+
VC: It takes too long before you can takeoff from the water. But other than that, I like flying it :D
SA: Flying ftw!

My own;

III: Big 'n' Veiny. The one from the first payphone, last mission of it. You get this crappy car and have to collect his magazines.
VC: Malibu Club > The Driver. Where you drive vs Hilary. If you get too far ahead, he always dies :/
SA: Wrong side of the tracks I guess. The one Munch said. Smoke can't fucking aim :+
The Dick has spoken!
SA: all race missions
VC: uhm.... dunno. I played it but long time ago...
(05-29-2009, 07:51 PM)Munch link Wrote: GTA SA: The one where you got to kill the Virgos on the train with Smoke. Nice mission but Smoke's shooting is shit so I always end up doing that like 20 times.

Vagos, Mr. Bierman :P

That was a tricky mission sometimes, but not that annoying, all you needed to do was keeping a good distance with the train, but it costed me many trials as well...

@ GTA Advance (I think noone here played it anyways): That mission in which you gotta kill like 20 gang members and thy only give you like 5 mins, you gotta do it really quick and do a crazy stunt to get the last ones, and if you fail in that stunt you'll drown xD

@ GTA 3: The last mission I think, where you gotta rescue someone, it was hard and annoying at the same time, but I don't remember very well since it's been a long time I don't play it

@ GTA SA: I have 2 missions I hate the same way:

1. Robbing uncle Sam, in which you gotta go with Ryder to Ocean Docks and put some crates in a truck using the Forklift, it's boring and stupid as hell, when Ryder didn't get killed I destroyed the crates, but always something stupid happened and at the end "Mission failed"

2. Jizzy B, the part in which you gotta kill that damn pervert priest lol, the escorts are easy to beat but the limmo was always tricky for me, he turned around in every single corner, and if I didn't run out of ammo, I crashed until my car went on fire and I couldn't switch cars, although if you were lucky you could blow the limmo with one gas tank shot, but still annoying  :(
GTA IV: the one where you have to follow the crack dealer to the den... he drives so damn slow! ZZZZzzzzzzz
In gta 4 when u go to bernie's ( ? ) house. some guy is giving him trouble coz he is a fag and so u take him down to the park and u gotta run behind him.

When i tried it, if i was far.. he would bitch about how i am far.. if i was close he would bitch about how close i am. there was no middle ground. ended up shooting him couple of times coz it can get frustrating. never completed this mission.