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Small Idea
Similar to the /tp Function.

Perhaps Player A wants to /tp to Player B. But maybe Player A does not have enough money or he has already /tp'ed before and needs to wait for 6 minutes.

So Player B types: /gethere 5 (Player's A ID is 5)

Then player A gets a message saying Player B wants to Teleport him to his location. Player A can then /accept or /deny.

This function could also wait for 6 minutes between each Teleport.

Again simple idea, could be a good one or a useless one. The Devs should know. As long as you give me a good reason why it wouldn't be good, I will happily be on my way. :)
That would be quite useful to players who can't teleport or don't know how to, but perhaps it could relate to the same timer. E.g, if Player B wants to fetch Player A, but player B has recently teleported, then it will stop it from happening, so basically it will be based of the same time limit as teleporting, in which case could prevent abuse.

However, there is probably a downside I'm missing. Moved to Open for discussion.
I'm fine with it. Would be great for cruises when you get killed there and your 6 minutes hasn't gone yet for /tp.
This is a great idea, love it!!! I totally agree with it!
Don't agree with that, as /tp would be quite useless then.
(09-27-2008, 06:20 PM)Turkey link Wrote: Don't agree with that, as /tp would be quite useless then.
Thats not true, when you want to tp to somebody you can just wait till he fetches you, or do something like /pm ID Ey can you fetch me please?

(09-27-2008, 06:20 PM)Turkey link Wrote: Don't agree with that, as /tp would be quite useless then.

Why is that? When you teleport to somebody you don't have to request permission from the other person to allow them to teleport, where as with such a system, you will have to. Plus if there is a 6 minute timer, which is the same as the teleport timer, then teleport will just get used the same way it does. Perhaps we could even make it support vehicles, but, make it a bit more expensive, say, double the price of teleports.
Well, player B should have to pay aswell then. Else everyone would use /gethere instead of /tp imo.
Well generally speaking, if it would be player b typing the /gethere command, it would be player B paying anyway? I don't see the point of Player A paying though because it's not him requesting the teleport, it's the other player.
Yeah, exactly.