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What mobile phone do you have?
i hve nokia E51
Sony Ericsson k800i !
N96 :D:D:D::D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D;D:D:D:D:D::D:D:D:D:D:

but cost me A bundle  :?
Samsung Pixon (M8800), Sony Ericsson C902 & iPhone incase my Pixon breaks, followed by my C902, because quite honestly iPhones are awful.
1. Nokia 6300 (for almost 2 years now)
2. still awesome my 4th nokia.. never had any other phone :>
3. my dream phone is n97  :+
1. What mobile you got? Sony Ericsson W595
2. And it is that a good? What ? Yes.
3. What is your favorite mobile? Umm ... W595  8)7
1. What mobile you got? Nokia 6500
2. And it is that a good? Could Be better
3. What is your favorite mobile? I Phone, Web Slider Not that good But looks good :)
(01-22-2009, 11:46 PM)LobbyZ link Wrote: Sony Ericsson k800i !
Me too :D
(02-08-2009, 01:12 PM)Stef link Wrote: Me too :D
That was my old phone, it was great. Until i got mad one day and punched it. Poor screen, it didn't stand a chance. Now it sits under my desk someplace all alone ... lifeless.

To donate to the " Poor Old Phone Foundation " please send your paypal payments to mehazmonies@hotmail.com ..  kthnx.
1. What mobile you got? Sony Ericsson K800i
2. And it is that a good? It is good enough, but the joystick gets dusty so stops working, also it is quite chunky.
3. What is your favorite mobile? I want the new Sony Ericcson (SE are amazing phones) that has a 8 MP camera.