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Extreme Metal
Aye aye, I heard that.
:D Epic pic.

Listerning to In Malice's Wake at the moment got the CD for free off work mate they are pretty good Thrash Metalish but heavier vocals compaired to other Thrash, and their from AUS to same state as myself and the one and only beast named Maddolis  :7
I think the new Kamelot is pretty good. I'm stuck between Sacrimony or Solitaire as my favourite track. I just feel like Solitaire has that classic Kamelot vibe about it. Could easily see Khan performing on that track.
(10-26-2012, 07:13 PM)Maka link Wrote: I think the new Kamelot is pretty good. I'm stuck between Sacrimony or Solitaire as my favourite track. I just feel like Solitaire has that classic Kamelot vibe about it. Could easily see Khan performing on that track.

I need to get it <_< I'll be back soon going shopping  :X
Midnight - Satanic Royalty


Holy motherfucker.

Mondstille - Die Seele frei

This is so heavy.

Lord Mantis - At The Mouth
Exhumed - This Axe was made to Grind
Some Americans are unbelievable:

Quote:Even though Mitt Romney is genuinely brainwashed by his religion he still gets my vote. Obama is so God damn boring. And crazy beats boring everytime. And genuinely Mormons are more intelligent than Muslims.

I can't comprehend this stupidity. Comment was taken from this video.
If you're up for some funeral doom:

Ahab - The Giant
(11-02-2012, 11:31 AM)Maka link Wrote: Some Americans are unbelievable:

I can't comprehend this stupidity. Comment was taken from this video.

Oh god...

(11-03-2012, 03:41 PM)Maka link Wrote: If you're up for some funeral doom:

Ahab - The Giant

Thank you Maka, bringer of amazing music and champion of the universe.
Always in the mood for some funeral doom, btw ;)
Too bad I missed out on Shape of Despair at Brutal Assault.