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what religion do u believe in
I'm Catholic Christian.
(12-10-2010, 02:36 PM)Gibbs link Wrote: I don't believe in a certain god, but as long as nobody can tell me how the Universe was created, I believe that there is something bigger than just stars and galaxies. (When you tell me that "in the beginning there was a big bang", then I would like to ask you where did this big bang come from when there was no room/space..as far as I know, everything in this world is inside something else.

Well if u want a good explanation read this

There's also a theory about another universe creating our bigbang somehow, and then it exploded and created this universe (u saying this universe is inside something else for example)

The way most religious ask others about "Well what was before the big bang then?", can be asked as "Well what was before God then?"
If the answer is nothing, it applies to both questions. If there was something before then, welcome to quantum physics vs. the bible

If people knew how much was really spent on space research...
I'm a Catholic, although I find it hard to believe what the Catholic Church is teaching  :+

I guess I'm more of an Atheist, although i'm too lazy to resign from the Church. Well, as soon as I gotta pay the church tax, i'll resign, but aslong as I dont need to pay that tax I dont really care.

Btw, Ive deleted like half of this topic & handed out warnings and mutes.

The next person to troll, insult or disrespect in this topic will be rewarded with a mute aswell.
Christian, but i don't go to church on my spare time.. :z
I believe in Islam, however, It wasn't my choice since when I was born, everyone around me was Muslim. Let's say for example Gibbs, if you were born in a family who is Christian, and go to church everyday ect.

You would be christian aswell..

What I mean is, it's rare to grow up with lets say a muslim family then believe in jesus. Anyone who say "I'm atheist ect ect" you can understand them, if they were born in a family who lets say are Muslims, and grow up with them, he would be Muslim as well, since they will give him examples.
(12-10-2010, 04:15 PM)Weezy link Wrote: I believe in Islam, however, It wasn't my choice since when I was born, everyone around me was Muslim. Let's say for example Gibbs, if you were born in a family who is Christian, and go to church everyday ect.

You would be christian aswell..

What I mean is, it's rare to grow up with lets say a muslim family then believe in jesus. Anyone who say "I'm atheist ect ect" you can understand them, if they were born in a family who lets say are Muslims, and grow up with them, he would be Muslim as well, since they will give him examples.

Its like being forced into a religion when you know nothing about it or other religions

I got brought up without being persuaded of religious views and stuff so I could make my own :D

Tbh I think death of a body but not the soul which then passes onto the next blood line (reincarnation) or how the hebrews or who ever they are do re-incarnation is quite good, whether its true or not i guess you don't find out til you die. If you're a good person you go up a level if your a bad person you go down a level to an ant or something. But whether you are good/bad depends on so much other things and other people. If someone is brought up badly so they don't know what is right and wrong its not really their fault.

I firmly believe if someone KNOWINGLY defies what they know is good or deliberately do something they know to be bad they DO get punished. Whether it be during this lifetime or their next or in some kind of afterlife or some shit.

Some people reckon when you die its like falling sleep and you enter a never ending dream. Not knowing whether you're alive or not.

This topic of what happens after life fucks with my head.

Knowing if everything stops then that's it... Just end, nothing after...

Or it goes on and on, never ending, there is never a conclusion so what are we doing? Makes me sick
Christianity - Protestant