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It is normal you start with the desert eagle. It was a bug that you got the weapons from the previous person which had your id. I think they fixed that.

And there is a limited amount of vehicles so kinda useless if there are like 5 boats floating while nobody uses them.
I have a suggestion, could we make another gang base because when you own the current gang base all you can do is defend. If there was another one you could attack and defend and it might make being in gangs more fun. I don't know about everone else but i find fighting over the same base again and again gets quite tiresome :/.

Another idea if you can't do that one is to move the gang base. Again, i don't know what others think but isn't the gang base a bit too far out town. I mean, when it says "Your gang owns LV" it dosent really, it just owns some random golf course basically out of town. If you were to make it actually inside LV then it might make fighting for the gang base, at least, have a bigger point to it. Only problem with this is i have no clue where you would put it.

I also got another suggestion (wow im full of them today :D) is to spread the properties further. I can understand if this isn't really possible but it would be fun to RP is SF and LS as well as LV. Personally i prefer SF or LS for RP but thats just what i think. Maybe we could just change from LV to SF or LS. I know that thats not very realistic either, but none the less its a suggestion.

Read @ http://forum.sa-mp.nl/index.php?topic=16...08#msg2108 :)

At this moment we are thinking about a possible second gangbase.
But it won't be in LV "center" and the current gangbase won't be moved either.
It was placed outside the center with a reason. So we don't place it back to the "old" place.
Yeah i didn't really expect to have the base moved i just suggested anyway :D.

I just though of another idea, maybe the big gangs (Coldthugz, Clowns) could have permanent bases. I don't know where the Coldthugz base would be but the clowns could have a building called "Clowns Pocket". Although, that is near the center of town so maybe not, just another helpful suggestion from the great guru Shifty! :D

But what do you think about other suggestions?
There are some props in LS. Well, it the server doesn't crash :)
In LVP 3.0 / SA-MP 0.2 we will slowly use the other cities. But it will probably take some time.

And like i said, gang bases wont be in the center of the town again.
And I'm sure we wont make a "Clownsbase" and "Chickensbase" ever again. That was like reason #2 why we made a dynamic gang property.
Ok, thanks thats good to know. So if you admin you can just make properties while on the server. Thats cool. Is that why some properties disappear when server crashes. It all makes sence now.....yay :D.
(01-04-2007, 09:41 PM)Nakebod link Wrote:There are some props in LS. Well, it the server doesn't crash :)
In LVP 3.0 / SA-MP 0.2 we will slowly use the other cities. But it will probably take some time.

And like i said, gang bases wont be in the center of the town again.
And I'm sure we wont make a "Clownsbase" and "Chickensbase" ever again. That was like reason #2 why we made a dynamic gang property.

Does LVP 3.0 / SA-MP 0.2 still have the limit on vehicles ?

I got another suggestion. How about introducing betting into the minigames, for exampe /race. When someone starts a minigame other playes can type /contestents or something to see who is competing in the minigame and then something like /bet <id> <amount> . There could be different odds on each player depending how many times they won it, or it might be simpler just to make its 1:2 for everyone so you get double money you bet (if the person you bet on wins). Anyways what does everyone think?
I think the time is to short for betting.
Most races are 1-2 minutes.
And you can't bet when a race is started :) That would be a little bit strange, isn't it?
But i think a kind of betting/lottery can be fun. You buy a lottery ticket, with a random number. And there will be 1 winner each time.
(01-07-2007, 06:20 PM)Nakebod link Wrote:[...]
But i think a kind of betting/lottery can be fun. You buy a lottery ticket, with a random number. And there will be 1 winner each time.
That's a great idea!  :D