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Why Your Name II?
Long ago, I started a Topic called "Why Your Name?"

The purpose of the topic was as the title stated: To provide an explanation as to why you chose your current name? What is the reason behind it?

It's been a long time since that topic, and I have seen new members on the forums, so I would like to give those new members a chance to state their reasons. Also, if you changed your name in the last month or two, you may also state why you took that decision.

I'll be the first. (I Have Stated My Reason Before, But Would Like To Re-Stated)

When chosing my name, I always looked for a short and simple name. Although it may not be original, I chose Ryder because first of all I found the character in the Game very Amusing and Funny. The name sounded cool because to me it sounded like a modified version of the word: Rider. The name sounded like a driver, and that's what I mostly do when playing this game. Drive around and have fun. ;)

Now, someone else may state their reason for their name...

As I explained in the first Why your name -topic:

Long ago (well not that long ago) [only about 5 years ago]

Well, I'm not a very good at explaining so I'll make this short:
My first name is Teuvo, so I dropped off the U-letter making it 'Tevo' and added X because X-mark is cool, I think. and then added an ending to the name which was Zi. and ended up with a TevoxZi.


and SirTidus

Play Final Fantasy X and you'll find out.

Why i chose this name:
I chosen this name because it is a bankrupt company that did rip people off from their money, ever since i found out about the company FarePak ( 2 years ago ) i have used this name, Also the name FarePak most people don't use so whereever i play a game using the name "FarePak" the name is usable.
ExPloiTeD came from the word 'exploiter' cuz i like to abuse bugs (fuck yall anti bug ppl)

did i ever mention im ghay and i love big dicks in my ass
I chose santino because he is the best character in the best movie ever (the godfather)

cos i'm a wannabe punk. I also like the fact that it says vicious in it, adds a good intimidating factor which is great for games. I first used this name when i was 16 playing British Telecom ladder 5 card draw poker :) Originally it was SidViciousII, but now the "II" is dropped 'cos its to easy to fake.

Nice clip Santino.

My name is Ben Boucher-Myers. You do the math.  :>
Greyfox, ''Grayfox'' was a metal gear solid the cyber ninja the scene were he died on psx was epic and one of the best in gaming history.
Named myself after the (in)famous Jamaican dictator.
(06-08-2008, 03:48 PM)Ben link Wrote: benbmyers

My name is Ben Boucher-Myers. You do the math.  :>
1+7=9. Wait, what was we doing here?