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congratz deguzz
Congratulations :D:D !cookie deguz
have fun with any upcoming party's :P
Grats deguz  *O* *O*

You can unban yourself now on LVP if you're feeling up to it  ;)
:O Thank you! :)
happy birthday clownieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:-) :-)  :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ :+ _O_ _O_ _O_ _O_
[Image: applaus.gif]
Congrats deguz  O+

May he be an admin for many more days to come  :9~

If you didn't live in such a third world country I would pay you a visit  :X :D
Grats deguz  O+
[glow=red,2,300][/glow][color=red][move]CONGRATULATIONS DEGUZ WITH YOUR 19TH BIRTHDAY!!!
:) ;) :D :( :o :P :'( >:) ;( :r :7 :+ :> :9~ 8) O+ :X :? 8)7 O-) :z :Y) :w _O- :9 |:( :*) _O_ :O >:O :/ B) (8> :Z }) :S :') }:| :$ %) <+:) *; 7(8)7 d:)b B-) :Y :N *O* *O* -O- -O- -O-[/move]
[Image: agent-smith-sunglasses.jpg]
Mr. Anderson we congratulate you.

Agent Smith (& the other Agents)  8)