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[FIXED] /Challenge World Boundary Problem (I think)
I am in /challenge and talking to somebody at the same time (Yes it is "extreme" multi-tasking!), so to stop the /challenge quickly to talk I use /kill. ;)

I arrive at a spawnpoint, and then /visit to looks at people in jail while talking.  :)

But then I get pulled through the ground, all the way down through to the police carpark and fly towards the /challenge area while a "Stay within the world boundaries" message appears onscreen. ;(

I think the challange is only over until he kills you or you him like in the chase.
When you are in the middle of /challenge and one of them disconnects (crashes / ping timeout / just quit) it also fails.
Could this be fixed possibly? :/

Or disabling /kill?
(02-28-2007, 08:22 AM)Deaken link Wrote:When you are in the middle of /challenge and one of them disconnects (crashes / ping timeout / just quit) it also fails.

Hmm, wasn't this fixed a long time ago?
Or was it only the /call function, which caused the "same" problem if the other player crashed/timed out/quited. You couldn't start a new phonecall, and you couldn't hangup.
The phone function is fixed, i'll disable the commands for challenge.
I don't think you can disable the /kill command. So you'll have to write an exception that resets someones worldboundaries if he dies (/kills) in a challenge.
that is already fixed
What's strange about this though, is that when both players mess up with the world bounds thing, and one disconnects it fixes the other player?
