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To Joypad Users
I decided that it sucks too much using a controller. Why?

Slow camera movements sometimes
People with keyboards lock onto you (syncing bug), so you die when they are aiming in the other direction
No fun
Get called noob all the time :p
Limited controls at times

I have a mightmouse that only allows one button at a time to be pressed. So aim, had to be changed to the space bar, and sprint to LControl. And I see a rapid improvement in my performance after 30min~1hour. Playing is alot more fun, and killing is much easier. I still use the controller to fly planes, but other than that:
Keyboard and mouse setup FTW!!!

To all that are using joypads, ditch them!

Agree!  :+
The SA-MP world would be so much better and equal if we all are using a mouse with keyboard. ;)
Yeah, all the joypad users are screwing up the shooting engine (they don't sync properly, the controller system and KB/M system).

i use joypad!
is good 8)
Oh no, another dark users joined LVP. :X ;)
XL your signature very good! :)
Thanks for the compliment! You can vote on it when you have 10 postings. Thanks if you vote for me. :)
ok I post other thread but I cant vote still ;(
You have 8 postings at the moment. You need two more before you can vote. Look under your name, there is counted how many postings you have made. ;)