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admin abuse
hi there
I want to report [cp]humza for admin abuse
he jailed me because ' he didnt want me to try him'?, he was annoyed of my lag, so should I be jailed for this? (ps: my ping were jumping at 490 maximum)
First, I want him to explain the main reason he jailed me for, and I'd love a management to handle this report, thanks
I'm not pissed off because of this, but let this scenario not happen again with new players
[Image: G85PjrF.png]
Hello tochyzz,

Could you please read the following topic: https://forum.sa-mp.nl/thread-33314.html and update your post accordingly?


I've heard from Humza what happened:
You were fighting with extreme lag. Your lag so much that it would be unfair and not enjoyable to other players to fight with you.
Humza warned you not fight under those conditions however you decided not to. Humza had no other choice then to take action in order to follow https://administrator.guide/.

If you're experiencing lag to an extend that an admin has to tell you to stop fighting then please do stop fighting and do not oppose that. You're fine to play while having extreme lag, but not to engage in fights.

For any future topics please follow https://forum.sa-mp.nl/thread-33314.html. It will help you and us dealing with the complaint.

Thank you!