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my application

I was googling my e-mail address, and I found my admin application (http://forum.sa-mp.nl/index.php?topic=2960) in the results.
When I made that application, I left the server (and forum), however, you have made a huge topic out of it. After I made my application, I realized that this server "fuckin. sucks" for real. Seriously, Why "the fuck" would anyone live in a "fuckin." game. Get a life! or, at least, move to Xbox Live or some "shit"!
I've made my admin application in many servers to see if those "dumb fucks" would let me in. So, yea, you aren't "dumb", but you are still angry. Sorry, but that is the truth.  :+ Edit: Btw, I am not angry or anything "of that shit". Why would I get angry about a game? XD


He basically made an admin application, then left the server. Later, he found his topic with dozen of replies, so he realized that he's not becoming admin (because the admins here "aint dumb"). So, he's now telling you that he doesn't need to be admin, and he advises you, admins, to "get a life". and, btw, he's not angry about it (ya, right :P)

Expected outcome:

Lock the topic, warn the guy. :)
I would like to nominate Azamaaat for head of the translator's at the United Nations.  He was able to make sense out of what everyone else saw as gibberish.    _O_ 

Katie  :w