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[BUG] Weapons in my hand while sitting on a bike
My problem is that i almost don't use other vehicle than the NRG-500 and when i sit on it it doesn't switches automatically to Micro-uzi and i have in my hands for example the Sawnoff-Shotgun or the Desert Eagle and i can't even shoot with them and i have to stop,get down from the bike and switch to Micro-Uzi...It doesn't happen everytime but i experienced a few times,even after relog,or the other day.
I can make screenshots if it's necesary.

i think auto-switch Disabled by Lash Suggestion in Github

That has nothing to do with this Yassine.

Hi Roly, and thanks for the bug report. I haven't been able to reproduce this, but I heard that some people (TEF) can. Not sure what to do about this.
I don't think the auto switch is disabled becuase it doesn't happens every time.Cake,if any Administrator will be online and it happens again,should i show it?
It doesn't happen every time? That only underlines the weirdness of this bug. I don't think there is a lot you can do, showing an administrator won't help much either.
Well yes,he could just see that it's real,and that i'm holding the sawnoff in my hands while sitting on the bike.But just think about how annoying is.You start chasing someone,you both are with NRG and when you want to shoot you can't because you have sonething else in your hands,or the parachute on your back.(The parachute look obviously look great when you're on your bike but it's not when you realize in the middle of a chase)
I actually feel your pain, and I like the way you underline the necessity of this feature. That's why I've tried adding a temporary solution in my filterscript. Could you try and join the server, testing out if you are now able to gain the right weapon when entering a vehicle?
I take it this has been fixed :)