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[Banned] Draco
Nickname: Draco
Date of the ban: Now
Suspected Reason: Aimbot
Your IP address:  check it out
Extra notes: [BB]Nightfurry is he kid enough to ban for a legit aim?? like srslyy?? WOW furry watch it out after i come back i will duel with some admins and will prove that u are fucking wrong..useless kid..i would better suggest to give some admin post to some mature kids.. furry u fucking 12 year old u know what is aimbot like srsly??? who made u admin??? making inconvinience for me..watch it out brate..after 7 days count ur days....Nothing is gonna change in my aiming style... damn fuck it legit ....gonna rape ur penis out kidd...watch out 12 year fucking ashole kid
Flaming an admin in you appeal isnt really goong to help you out..
Yes and banning players without no reason that also wont help u out guys... anyway lets see Furry count ur day...get guts duel me that time.. kidoo 13 yr admin..
No, make a new ban appeal where you don't flame and threaten an admin.