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Didn't know where to post this, so I chose this one. Merge my topic if it doesn't belong in here.

I think there are many "old" players that still do like lagshot more than skinhit. Maybe we should switch LVP to lagshot for 1 "test week" and give it a try. Of course with the voting, to see how many players would actually love to get LVP back on lagshot.
These 'old' players doesn't play much anymore and the majority of current active players like skinshot.Even testing can cause reduction in average playercount and we know another server which ended up with low amount of players.So NO from me.
This has been debated many times before, and we ended up with skin-hit.. Don't think it will change back, but who knows!
This has already been done. If you don't like it when go back to 0.3x
I like skin-hit but lagshot is better.
skin hit only for newbie xDD (I just kidding).
LVP haven't much player because it is skin hit.
+1 :D
This has been done but we sticked to skin hit. I don't really see a point to give it a try again. I don't have any problem with lagshoot tho.
NO, just no. LVP is getting better, don't fuck things up now with this lagshot thingy. LVP is skinhit and you have to deal with it. There are other servers who got fucked by changing skinhit to lagshot, I don't want to see LVP destroyed too. If you want to play on lagshot go to FFS, but LVP doesn't have to be changed to lagshot.
Lagshot makes no sense.
Can anyone explain me in short, whats difference between Skin Hit and Lag Shot?
I don't fight much so....thanks.
whats the point