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[Unbanned] Zezima[HC4L]
Name: Zezima
country: Lithuania
Reason: cmd abuse

cake got owned by my like 10-0 then tried to kill me, i used /dive and he banns me for cmd abuse lol?
Server got no players at all and still ban other people? logic - not found.
You have to write an unban appeal Zez, not some made up kid story. Try it again.
okay okay

Nickname: Zezima[HC4L]
Date of the ban: 2015-05-23
Suspected Reason: cmd abuse
Your IP address:
Much better, unban next week.
how about a date so i can know when i can reach my goal for 1000 hours ?
You'll be unbanned when you're unbanned..
Hello Zezima! This is your unban notice.

Do however note that randomly creating topics with random titles won't get you anywhere; the crew deletes them as it serves LVP no purpose at all. PM'ing crew is the best way to go. But you probably already figured that out (not).

Have fun!