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[Feature] Remove RC-Airplane
I don't believe you can jack an RC from someone
I meant finding a way around it.
Hardly any of you ever touched a baron... to see they are not that easy to control. Ofc, you can  kill 1 or... but most of the time you just go down without any kills made. I've killed all those complaining in this topic(the reason they made this thread) and I am getting better and better at it. On average I get 1-3 kills per death (cuz yea,...I also die) so ofc you say it's easy when you see me flying around.

The only unfair side of this is that, if you never leave the rc, when you die > you keep your killing-spree (like when you self nade).

It's funny how you  consider only the pure-rw fighting style as being  "true skills" while everything else is "lame"...on a freeroam DM server xD, in the main world.