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[Idea]Treasure Hunt
(10-06-2007, 04:51 PM)Chanster link Wrote:this idea is copied from gtaforums then Littlewhitey copied it and now we copy it....

That way, the whole prospect of having a online gaming server has been copied from other games like "Counter Strike" or other multilayer/online games. Or, it could be that LVP copied the first person to ever create a SA:MP server and created a server. Or they copied the idea to actually use ingame weapons.. ect. ect. The list could go on for ever... But, there is no actual "copying" from other servers, seeing as the features are the same, but the coding is very different :P.
To get back to the idea, i've thought of some things that we could use as possible treasures.

Singular items:
Public Transit card - This item will allow you to use the /taxi system for free!
Session time Admin vehicle permit? - Acces to Hunters and Hydras. Maybe not a good idea, but as these are singular it might be good =)

Rare items:
Spawn weapons set #3 - You will receive the best set of spawnweapons.
Key to the gang base - With this key you are able to obtain the gangbase once. Without having to fight for it or buy it. Can be used anywhere on the map.
Caligula Premium Membership - Receive a gambling permit. This permit will last for 3 weeks.

Scarce items:
Spawn weapons set #2 - You will receive a set of medium-class spawnweapons.
Caligula Membership - Receive a gambling permit. This permit will last for 1 week.

Common items:
Spawn weapon set #1 - You will receive a set of low-class spawnweapons.

Regular items:
Money bags - Bags of money. Value is variable?
10x Tec 9 - You will receive 10 Tec 9's as spawnweapon.

I don't know if it's even possible to script some of these ideas, but I just wanted to do some brainstorming about this ;)
About the weaponsets: Say you have the best weapons, and then you find a common item, you'd get low-class weapons? :P You could get the option to get the weapons or not I think. If all of this is possible :)
Hehe yea, well as I said I really don't know what's possible and what's not =)
But if it would be possible, it would be nice to choose which set you want, since some people prefer Combat shotguns over saw-off shotguns for example.

Nice idea :)
BenBot _O- _O-

on topic: it would be cool to have some bullet proof/explosionproof/damageproof/fireproof/everything proof cars as treasure, if possible of course

fireproof or damageproof would be common, explosion proof would be a little harder to find, and bullet proof or everything proof would be rare.

if someone steals your car it'll lose its powers.

Great Idea,
Maybe there can be 1 big prize like: a spawn armor for 1 week or unl. ammo for 1 speccific weapon for 1 week. Or have your own garage/house/spawn etc.